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When they got back, the five of them went to McGonagall, where Molly and Arthur were. Ginny was dropped off there, sobbing, and Lockhart was sent to the Hospital wing at once as well. But Harry, Ron and Rosalyn were sent to Dumbledore's office, where they were right now, standing stock still.

"You both realise that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules," Dumbledore said, eyes piercing into Rosalyn's.

"Yes, sir," the three of them muttered.

"There is sufficient evidence to have you all expelled."

"Yes, sir," they repeated.

"Therefore, it is only fitting..." Dumbledore paused, looking at them "...That you all receive, Special Awards for Services to the School."

Rosalyn, Ron and Harry looked at eachother in shock. Harry and Ron said, "thanks, sir," and Dumbledore nodded, then flitted his gaze to Rosalyn, who was a bit quieter, as if something was distracting her.

"Now, Mr Weasley, if you would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban, I believe we want our, gamekeeper back," Dumbledore handed Ron a small pile of papers in envelopes and he hurried out the office for the owlrey.

"And Mr Potter," Dumbledore went on. "I think it might be best if went up to the Hospital Wing, it must have been a pretty powerful stunner if it was made by sixteen year old Tom Riddle." Harry nodded and swiftly left with the door closed behind him.

Once the two boys were out, Dumbledore stood up and walked forward, saying. "First, I want to thank you, Rosalyn, you must have shown me real loyalty in the chamber, nothing but that could have brought Fawkes to you, and... second... I sense that something is troubling you. Am I right, Rosalyn?"

He was right. Something was troubling Rosalyn, and this time, she couldn't hide it, because it had been on her mind for so long. "It's just- you see sir I couldn't help but notice certain things- certain- similarities between- Tom Riddle and me."

"I see," Dumbledore nodded, "Well, you can speak parseltongue, Rosalyn, why? Because Lord Voldemort can speak parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Rosalyn, he transferred some of his powers to you, you not Harry, the night he have you that scar," he gestured to Rosalyn's arm.

"Voldemort transferred some of his power to me?" Rosalyn asked.

"Not intentionally," Dumbledore said, sitting back behind his desk with a flourish. "But yes."

"Then the sorting hat was right, I should be in Slytherin!" Rosalyn said desperately.

She was hoping Dumbledore was going to reassure her, and so he did. "It's true, Rosalyn, that you possess many of the qualities that Voldemort himself prizes, determination, resourcefulness, and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules." Rosalyn smiled slightly as Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "So, why, then, did the sorting hat place you in Gryffindor?"

Rosalyn looked over at the hat and remembered the day she got sorted, she sighed and said quietly. "Because I asked it to."

"Exactly, Rosalyn, exactly, " Dumbledore said immediately. "Which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our abilities that, show what we truly are, it is our choices." Rosalyn smiled and nodded as her headmaster spoke again. "And if you want proof of why you belong in Gryffindor, then I suggest you look more closely at this."

He held up the sword that was lying on the table, still coated in basilisk blood, Dumbledore handed it to Rosalyn, and she took it once again. She looked at it as if she was seeing it for the first time again, but this time, she saw something different. The name Godric Gryffindor was spelt up and down it.

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