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Rosalyn and Hermione had spent about a month in the Forest of Dean. They fished, gathered and hunted to try and get food, and it had kind of worked. Well, they hadn't starved yet.

They had also been a few more places, looking for horcruxes. They had been to Wool's Orphanage, the place where Voldemort had grown up. It'd been demolished long-since. They'd tried Borgin and Burke's, Voldemort's first workplace, and then some shops in Diagon Alley (under the invisibility cloak).

None were successful.

Anyway, with no new leads, the days grew shorter, and the weeks seem to pass like seconds. One day, when Rosalyn and Hermione were sitting outside in a comfortable silence, an almighty crack resounded in the air. Hermione and Rosalyn jumped and turned to each other.

"Snatchers?" Rosalyn asked, looking around everywhere.

She didn't find any snatchers, but she did see a figure of a single person about two hinder metres away. That figure was running, coming towards them.

Rosalyn was too shocked to respond until she realised that it was Harry. Her twin brother.

What the hell-?

Hermione had stood up by now, joining Rosalyn near the protections' boundaries.

Harry was very close to them by now, whispering as he went. "Rosie? Hermione?"

Rosalyn was just about to walk forward and reveal herself to Harry when Hermione grabbed her shoulder. "No!" She hissed. "If that's a death eater, the first thing they would've done is disguise themself with polyjuice!"

Rosalyn suddenly smirked, heading over to Hermione's bag where she found some parchment, a quill and ink. From there, she wrote a message. "What are you doing-?" Hermione stopped when Rosalyn showed her.

By what names did Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and James and Izzy Potter go by at school?

Hermione shared her grin. "Brilliant, Rosie!"

Rosalyn nodded. "Wingardium leviosa."

The paper levitated in the air. Rosalyn sent it right at Harry, who had started to walk away. The parchment, still wet with ink, hit him on the head, and he turned round, as if expecting to see someone there.

Rosalyn watched him read it, praying that he would know the answer.

He did. "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Scarlet and Prongs!"

Rosalyn didn't hesitate, stepping out from the protections. Hermione had to go back inside to make lunch. She crossed her arms and said to Harry, who could barely believe his eyes. "Where's Ron?"

Harry looked down. "We... we ran into some snatchers a couple weeks ago, they got him and not me... he told me to run so I went... I haven't seen him since."

Rosalyn looked down, then she ran at her brother, hugging him. "I'm so, so sorry," Rosalyn told him. "But why did you leave?"

Harry looked down. "Listen, when I had that horcrux round my neck... I saw you overshadowing me. It's like fourth year all over again, but this... that made me see horrible things, Rosie, and I was just scared..."

Rosalyn sighed. "I should never've reacted that way. To Ron as well."

Harry sighed. "It's alright, Rosie, we deserved it."

Rosalyn couldn't help feeling guilty.


But now, one night a few weeks later, Rosie was wrapped up in blankets, on watch duty. She had been watching, trying to keep warm for about two hours now, when suddenly, something happened.

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ☆ 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now