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"If you're to find her, you'll find her down there."

Luna had taken Rosalyn to a rather secluded part of the castle, apparently where the Grey Lady (ghost of Ravenclaw) resided.

"Aren't you coming with me?" Rosalyn asked.

"No, I think it's best you talk alone, she's rather shy," Luna said softly.

So Rosalyn ventured along the corridor alone. She was barely breathing in anticipation.

When she got to the end, she saw the back of a ghost that slowly turned round. "You're the Grey Lady, aren't you? The ghost of Ravenclaw tower?"

"I do not answer to that name," the ghost faded into no more than a ball of light.

"No! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's Helena, isn't it? Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena's daughter?" Rosalyn used the information Luna had given her on the way.

"Are you a friend of Luna's?" Helena asked quietly.

"Yes," Rosalyn nodded. "She thought you might be able to help me."

"You seek my mother's diadem," Helena told Rosalyn as if many had asked her this before.

"Yes," Rosalyn breathed out. "That's right."

"Luna is kind," Helena began. "Unlike so many of the others, but she was wrong. I cannot help you!"

Again, she faded to a ball of light and went through Rosalyn, materialising again on the other side of her. "Wait!" Rosalyn shouted, desperately begging. "I want to destroy it!"

Helena Ravenclaw looked her up and down, scrutinizing her and deciding upon whether she could trust the valiant red head in front of her.

"That's what you want too, isn't it, Helena?" Rosalyn asked, looking Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter in the eye. "You want it destroyed?"

"Another sought to destroy it many years ago," Helena spoke as though this was a sore subject. It was. "A strange boy, with a strange name..."

"Tom Riddle," Rosalyn nodded.

"But he lied," Helena's face contorted in fury.

"He's lied to many people-" Rosie began.

Helena flew towards her so that their faces were inches apart, her teeth were bared and she was soon shouting. "I KNOW WHO HE IS, I KNOW WHAT HE'S DONE! HE DEFILED IT, WITH DARK MAGIC!"

She floated away from Rosalyn and turned her back. Rosie followed her. "I can destroy it, once and for all, but you have to tell me where he hid it," she begged.

Helena slowly turned, circling Rosalyn. "Strange... you remind me of him a little bit... It's here, in the castle. In the room where everything is hidden... if you have to ask, you'll never know... if you know... you need only ask."

Rosalyn's eyes widened in understanding. "Thank you," she said in a quiet gasp, running away immediately.

She ran down the stairs, fighting the flow of students no matter what way they were going. When she got to the main staircase, she saw black smoke (or death eaters) flying around everywhere. "Stupefy!" She yelled at a few of them, blasting them against the wall.

But then-

"Fuck," Rosalyn hissed as two death eaters ran towards her, closing in.

"Got you now, Potter," one of them smirked. "I bet you-"


In one motion, Neville had stunned both the men that were about to vanquish her.

As the two ran towards each other, Neville smiled slightly. "I worked so hard to get you back, and now you go and get yourself in danger again?"

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ☆ 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now