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It was quidditch time. The quartet was eating breakfast when Rosalyn heard it...

Come to me... Let me kill you... Let me kill you...

Rosalyn winced and Hermione asked in a hushed tone. "Is it that voice?"

"Yeah, it's like it's in the walls, or the-"

But Hermione had jumped up, suddenly distracted by something different, Rosalyn asked. "Mione?"

Hermione said, "I have to- I just thought- Maybe- I have to go to the library- It'll be there- see you!" And she walked off.

"I hate it when she does that!" Ron said, but there was no time to argue, because Rosalyn and Harry had to go and get changed into their quidditch robes for the match.

Once they were changed and the school was down at the stands, Rosalyn and Harry met the team and they walked through the stands, Oliver talking tactics.

"Alright, listen up! We play our game Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance, we're stronger, quicker and smarter."

"Not to mention they're terrified that Rosie will petrify them if they go anywhere near her."

"That to," Wood sighed.

But then McGonagall came through the stands with a piece of paper in her hand. "Professor McGonagall," Wood said. Then they were met with more bad news, and it just kept on coming.

"This match has been cancelled."

"You can't cancel quidditch!" Wood looked as if canceling it was as ordinary as going to the moon every day.

"Silence, Wood," McGonagall ordered. "Now, you and your team should go to Gryffindor Tower immediately." She stopped Harry and Rosalyn, however, "Mr and Miss Potter, we shall find Mr Weasley, there's something you all need to see."

Rosalyn knew it was bad news. It never was good in this situation, especially when the quidditch match had just been cancelled. They found Ron in the stands and went to- the hospital wing. It was definitely bad news.

"I warn you, this might be a bit of a shock," McGonagall said, leading them down the wing, Rosalyn knew what was going to happen, but she didn't want it to. She had been dreading this ever since she found out the heir of Slytherin attacked muggle borns.

Hermione was lying on a bed, a hand in front of her face as if she had been holding something.

"Hermione," Ron was in shock.

"She was found near the library," McGonagall answered their unasked question. "She had this," she held up a hand mirror. "Does it mean anything to any of you?"

They all shook their heads.

Rosalyn sadly touched Hermione's cold hand, looking at the mirror and thinking. But she didn't know what was going on, as much as she wanted to.

They were escorted to Gryffindor common room by McGonagall, and the three of them sat down in front of the fire as they were all cold, and listened to McGonagall.

"Can I have your attention, please? Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect, immediately, " she read from the parchment. "All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions." Her face softened, she was feeling sorry for her students. "I should tell you, that unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely that the school will be closed."

Then she left without another word, leaving all the students scared, worried and none the wiser.

Rosie sighed and turned to Ron and Harry. "We've got to talk to Hagrid. I can't believe it's him, but if he did set the monster loose last time, he'll know how to get inside the chamber, and that's a start."

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