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A few weeks had gone by and still, Kreacher had not come back with Mundungus. Rosalyn was beginning to grow impatient, but Harry, Ron and Hermione all tried to balance her unsteadiness with friendship, and lucky for them, their friendship was very strong.

Right now, Harry was playing with his snitch, watching it zoom around in front of him, Hermione was teaching Ron the piano, using the old one that sat in the drawing room, and Rosalyn was reading the section on Slytherin in Dumbledore's book, The Four Pillars of Hogwarts.


Of all the Hogwarts founders, Slytherin was the craftiest. He only wanted the most cunning and shrewd students admitted to his house. However, he also had the individuality of not wanting muggle borns to  be admitted to his mighty house, Slytherin. He selected pure bloods only, and more often than not half bloods, but no muggle borns.

His relic was his locket, a heaxagonal, emerald covered treasure that he called his own-

"Hermione?" Rosalyn had shut her book with a bang. "Hermione did all the founder's have objects?"

"What?" Hermione was positively confused.

"I was just reading this," Rosalyn pointed to The Four Pillars of Hogwarts. "And it talks about the founders, well, Slytherin and Gryffindor at least, having objects. Gryffindor had the sword, which I used to kill the basilisk, and Slytherin the locket, which is a horcrux."

"Blimey, Rosie," Ron asked. "Are you saying that that sword's actually a horcrux? But then why would Dumbledore-"

"The sword's not a horcrux," Hermione said difinitively. "Dumbledore knew that, but what were you saying about the other founders, Rosie?"

"Just if they had objects as well," Rosalyn told them. "Listen, Voldemort liked power and influence. He found objects that meant something when he found objects that could be horcruxes. He obviously failed with Gryffindor's sword, and succeeded with Slytherin's locket, but what if he also succeeded with Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's objects? What if-"

"They're horcruxes!" Hermione jumped up. "That's genius, Rosie!"

"Look at the book," Ron told her. "What does Dumbledore say about Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?"

So Rosalyn opened the book again.


Being a smart woman, Rowena Ravenclaw and her daughter, Helena, decided to only admit the most knowledgeable of students into their house. Rowena didn't really mind their status, for she valued brain over blood.

It is said that Rowena was not, however, as smart as she seemed. She was said to have used a

Rosalyn turned the page in anticipation and what she saw devastated her. The page was blank. "In the will..." She started. "Dumbledore said it was unfinished..."

She looked at Hermione and Ron in disappointment, and that's when she realised Harry wasn't there. They all turned round to see him watching them closely, snitch still hovering in the air.

"They have flesh memories," Hermione changed the subject, looking at Harry, then at the snitch. "I read it once somewhere... You see, even when it's getting made, a snitch isn't touched by human hands; the maker wears gloves. I don't think you've ever tied in a Quidditch game, Harry, but even if you thought you had, you wouldn't've, because the snitch carries an enchantment that can make it recognise the first human who laid hands on it."

"So..." Harry tried to keep up. "It'll remember my touch?"

Hermione nodded. "When Scrimegour first gave it to you... I thought it would open at your touch. That Dumbledore had left something inside it."

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ☆ 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now