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A week and a half later, Quidditch tryouts had been announced. Now, this year, Rosalyn had been made captain of the team, and Harry the vice. So, right now, Rosalyn and Harry were stood before about fifty people from Gryffindor, second year and up.

A crowd had also gathered, sitting in the stands. Rosalyn saw Neville among them, sitting looking out at the pitch.

Now, for the past week and a bit, Neville had been cold shouldering Rosalyn. The girl knew why, it was because he now knew that she had kissed Tristan, but what did that matter? Rosalyn didn't want to admit it, but she was starting to like Neville, and the feelings he had had for her all these years, that she had always been blissfully unaware of, were slowly becoming mutual.

"O-okay," Harry spoke up awkwardly, jerking her back to real life in a flash, but of course, the people infront them just continued to talk. "So this morning, we're going to be putting you through a few drills just to assess your strengths. Okay?"

When nothing happened but they continued talking, Harry said feebly. "Please, stop talking, quiet plea-"


Rosalyn had yelled. She was stood beside her brother loyally, who said to her. "Thanks. Now, remember that just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a place this year, is that correct?"

There was a murmur of assent before Rosalyn stepped up. "We're looking for two beaters, two chasers, and one keeper in all. Now, I assume you all know what you want to try out for, so chasers over here, beaters here, and keepers here."

Harry smiled as she sorted them out. She was much more assertive than him, and she knew it.

There were only two people that wanted to try out for keeper. Ron and McLaggen. Right now, McLaggen sauntered up to Ron, knocking his shoulder and saying lazily. "No hard feelings, Weasley, alright?"

"Hard feelings?" Ron asked nervously.

Rosalyn had heard this, and went up to McLaggen right then. "You're McLaggen, right? The idiot who landed himself in the hospital wing right before last years trials?"

She had known this because McLaggen had been swaggering about the day after, bragging that he 'would've made the team' and that he just 'didn't get the chance'.

McLaggen clearly hadn't changed, as right then, he flexed his muscles and smirked at Rosalyn. "Yeah. Ate a pound of doxy eggs for a bet."

Rosalyn sniggered. "I think even my family's old owl's smarter than you. And he flies into the window daily now."

McLaggen seemed quite shocked at this, but he regained his posture immediately and said cockily. "Come on, Potter, you'd rather have me on your team."

Rosalyn just smirked back. "No. I wouldn't."

She strode away before he could answer. Then he went back to Ron. "It's nothing personal, but, as you've probably noticed, I'm going for keeper too."

"You?" Ron, in fact, hadn't noticed, he'd been too nervous. "But a guy like you... that's more of a beater's build, isn't it? Keepers need to be quick, agile."

McLaggen then caught a bee that was buzzing by to show Ron what he was about. "I like my chances." He looked towards the stands. "Say, I don't think you could introduce me to your friend Granger? I did have my eye on Potter but after the way she just talked to me... however, I wouldn't mind getting to know the brains of the operation..."

Ron was smart enough to know what this meant, and he watched McLaggen jealously as he swaggered away.

The chaser tryout was first. There were quite a lot of people trying out for this, but only two spots as Rosalyn was already on the team as she was captain.

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