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Out of breath and panting, Rosalyn weaved through the trees. She hoped she could reach Sirius before she collapsed. She was losing speed rapidly and she felt herself slowing down, until... finally she saw a man layed down beside the lake.


She ran over to him, and saw that he had a bleeding a badly bitten shoulder, a pale face and a vacant expression. She gasped. "No... Sirius!"

And now she saw, lying beside him, a pale version of Izzy, who was beside Sirius. She was scratched and bloody, as well as her husband.

But then Rosalyn felt cold, unhappy, and she saw he breath. She looked past her godfather and godmother and to the lake, which had begun to freeze. She knew that this could only mean one thing. One terrible, horrible thing. Dementors.

And, if possible, an even worse situation was upon her. Because the one person the dementors wanted more than ever right now was right there beside her.

Sirius seemed to pick up on this as well, because his eyes opened suddenly and he breathed hard. His eyes followed something above the two of them, so Rosalyn looked up. She wished she hadn't.

Dementors were swirling in all around them. Their black cloaks billowing in the wind they were creating. But not just one or two of them, about a hundred. And they all sent shivers down Rosalyn's spine.

One of them swooped down on the three and began to do something to Sirius, and Rosalyn would guess that it was kissing him. Sucking out his soul. But it didn't last long as he was just teasing him, Rosalyn expected they had hours to go before his soul was actually removed. Ripped out.

But she knew she would do everything in her power to stop that from happening. Standing up, she pulled her wand from her pocket, thinking hard.

I'm going to live with Sirius and Izzy. Harry and I'll be together. I'm going to live with Sirius and Izzy.

"Expecto patronum!"

A bright white light came out of her wand. Some of the dementors dove at it, but they couldn't get past it, Rosalyn had made a substantial shield.

However, it wasn't enough. As soon as she let the dementors get to her head, the shield vanished. Dissipated as if it had never been there.

Rosalyn felt defeated, she was so unhappy, hopeless, she couldn't do anything to help. She could only stand there and scream as a dementor swooped upon her, kissing her.

Why? Why? Why was this happening? All the people here were innocent! And the dementors still pursued them.

The dementor that had been on her moved to Sirius, wavering on Izzy. But just for a second Rosalyn felt no pain. Then she felt it for another as she saw Sirius. Not just in physical pain, but in the mental pain of twelve years in Azkaban.

Rosalyn looked up and saw a dementor coming right towards her. No, she thought, no this can't be the end, not after everything...

They writhed, struggled, shouted and screamed, but nothing happened. Rosalyn could feel herself slipping away, she was about to return to earth as a soulless being...

And then it all stopped.

For a moment, Rosalyn thought she was dead, then she thought she didn't have a soul, but neither were right.

She sat up, and saw Sirius. she was horrified at what was happening to him. At that moment, a little white ball of bright light came out of his mouth and hovered above his lips.

His soul.

But she didn't look at him for long. Across the lake, a white light had formed. Rosalyn knew without thinking that it was a patronus, but she didn't recognise it.

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ☆ 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now