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"Sir, what exactly was all that about?" Rosalyn asked as she, Dumbledore and Harry walked back along the street to the place they first apparated to.

"You two're talented, famous and powerful, everything Horace values," Dumbledore said. "Professor Slughorn, as we must now call him, is going to try and collect you two, for you'll be his crowning jewels. That's why he's returning to Hogwarts, and it's crucial he should return."

They stopped. "I feel as though I've stolen a wonderful night from you. Especially you, Harry, she was truthfully, very pretty. The girl."

"What girl?" Rosalyn asked, her smirk back on.

"Shut up, Rosie," Harry rolled his eyes at his sister, then to Dumbledore. "It's alright, I'll go back tomorrow, make up some excuse."

"Oh, you won't be returning to Privet Drive tonight, Harry," Dumbledore said.

"But Sir, my trunk, my owl-"

"Both are waiting for you," Dumbledore said, holding out his arm.

Rosalyn braced herself, waiting for that feeling of sucked-up-into-hosepipe to come into play again.


"Mum?" They heard Ginny shout as soon as they got into the house.

"Ginny," They heard Molly's tired voice. "Whatever's the matter?"

"I was only wondering when Harry got here, he must have come with Rosie-"

"Harry? What Harry?" Molly asked again.

"Harry Potter, of course. His trunk's in the kitchen, and his owl " Ginny answered exasperatedly. Rosalyn and Harry suddenly noticed this. All Harry's stuff, plus Hedwig in a cage on top of it all, was right in front of them.

"N-no dear, I seriously doubt that," Molly said again.

"Harry? Did someone say Harry?" Ron's groggy voice came from way up the stairs.

"Me, nosy, is he up there with you?" Ginny asked.

"Of course not! I think I'd know if my best friend was in my bedroom, wouldn't I?" Rob retorted.

"Is that an owl I hear?" Hermione's voice came. When the hell did she get here? Rosalyn thought, must've been in the past few hours, because she wasn't here when I left.

"You haven't seen them, have you? Apparently they're wandering around the house," Ginny yelled back.


"Really," Rosalyn and Harry said together.


Ginny rushed to hug him. Rosalyn rolled her eyes as Molly, Ron and Hermione came down the stairs.

Rosalyn hugged Hermione. "I didn't know you were coming!" She shouted.

"Nor did I until yesterday," Hermione laughed. "There wasn't enough time to send an owl, so I just decided to surprise you."

Meanwhile, Molly was squealing over Harry. "Why didn't you let us know you were coming? Rosalyn's letter said you'd be involved but..."

"Well, I didn't know either," Harry smiled. "Dumbledore."

"That man!" Molly said in mock anger. "But then, where would we be without him, eh?"

They all laughed as Ron tried to touch the edge of Hermione's lips, everyone looked at him in shock.

"Just a bit of... toothpaste," he said, ears going red.

Rosalyn sighed. Smooth, Ron. Smooth.

The quartet went upstairs and to Rosalyn's bedroom. Once Molly had lit a magical fire for them to keep them all warm. Well, by fire, it was basically a piece of levitating newspaper that was in flames. "So when d'you get here?" She asked Hermione. "Can't have been that long, I only left a few hours ago!"

𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔 ☆ 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now