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They snuck down the hill, hearing the insistent caws of the crows, past the pumpkin patch and past a wooden structure holding dead ferrets for Buckbeak to eat. The hippogriff, too, was there, chained to a post, looking afraid.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Rosalyn eventually got to his hut. And when they were there the four of them started to do stuff for him because he was sad and he was shaking quite a lot.

Rosalyn put the kettle on whilst Hermione uttered a few comforting words to Hagrid and Harry and Ron fed Fang. When the kettle had boiled Rosalyn put tea bags (she had had enough of leaves) in mugs and poured the steaming water into them.

Hagrid, meanwhile, was watching Buckbeak through the open window. Rosalyn looked at Buckbeak. Horse body, bird's head, kind yellow eyes that, in Rosie's opinion, wouldn't hurt a soul. Hagrid suddenly said softly as they all observed the creature.

"Ah, look at him. loves the smell o' the trees as the wind blows through them. He'll miss that, I think," it was nostalgic, but the quartet understood it.

"Why can't you just set him free?" Harry asked, but Rosalyn and Hermione already knew the answer to this.

"Hagrid would just get into more trouble if he set Buckbeak free!" Rosalyn said.

"Yeah, Harry, she's right, they'd know it was me, and Dumbledore'd get into trouble," Hagrid kept his eyes fixed determinedly on the window. "He's comin' down yeh know, Dumbledore. Says he wants teh be there when they-"

He stopped, and Rosalyn felt truly sorry for him. For it wasn't his fault that he was in this situation, or his fault that he was put in it.

"-When it happens," Hagrid sighed, he swallowed and moved on. "Great man, Dumbledore, great man."

He chucked some food at Fang, wanting to help Harry and Ron, and Rosalyn exchanged a look with her brother. Their expressions were both stony. They both were wondering the same thing though, how could Malfoy do all this then turn a blind eye to the killing of an innocent beast. Did he have a heart at all?

Rosalyn didn't know. But in the second she had thought of this, Hermione had stood up, saying bravely.

"We'll stay with you too, Hagrid."

"Yeah, we'll tell them the truth," Rosalyn agreed, standing up beside her best friend and gripping her hand.

But, hopeful as they were, Hagrid turned them down immediately.

"You'll do no such thing!" He said fiercely, shaking his hands at them. "I don' want yeh seeing summat like that! No... yeh'll jus' drink yeh're tea and be off."

He suddenly remembered something. "Oh, an' before yeh do, Ron..." He wandered over to his cupboard, and all four of the quartet wondered what was going on.

He turned round, holding something that Rosalyn found very familiar. She recognised the missing toe, the pale, bare fur, and the wormy tail.

"Scabbers!" Ron said, absolutely mystified that his pet was back among them. "You're alive!"

"You want teh be taking better care of you're pets Ron," Hagrid said, looking over at Hermione.

For a few seconds Ron delighted in having his rat back. But then Rosalyn stood up and said. "So did Scabbers come back from the dead or have you got something you need to say?"

"Yeah, I think that means you owe someone an apology," said Hermione, standing up beside her best friend.

Ron was still being a jerk, though, and he obviously didn't want to admit he was wrong. "Right, next time I see Crookshanks, I'll tell him."

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