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After the observation, the next day, Michael came back and told us that our ship got accredited with an 94, so we get an A.

Everyone cheers, hearing the good news. I hug Lonnie, Lucas, Piccolo, Ford, O'neil, the Captain and Michael.

We had a small celebration, had a few light drinks and small talks. While everyone was talking to each other, I was talking to Michael.

"So, are you ready to go? Bags packed and everything?" He asks. "Yep, everything's ready but my mindset." I said. "I'm going to miss everyone." "Oh I know, I've been there too. I had to leave my dog." He said as I laugh a little. "Then turns out I could bring a pet." "Aww. Well, I know I'm coming back here but you know how it is. When I come back, I have to break up with my boyfriend, leave my only girl best friend with my other guy friends." I said. "Why do you have to breakup with you boyfriend?" "Well he broke my heart and I forgave him and here we are, still loving each other. So, you know... I don't like long distance relationships." I said. "Ahh, I see."

I check the time and so did Michael. "Oh, looks like we have to go. I'll have my security bring your luggage while you give your farewells to your lover and friends." He said. I nodded and went to find Lucas and the others.

"Hey babe! Can you believe it? We got an A!" Lucas said, hugging and picking me up. I laugh as he puts me down. "I know, I'm very happy." I started. "Uhh, guys I have to go." I said to everyone. Their smiles turned to frowns as they all look at me with sad eyes. "Wh- right now? I thought you're going a little later." Said Lucas. "I'm sorry, I have to sign up sooner. C'mon, let's have a group hug." I said opening my arms. They all hugged my tightly. Tears were already filling my eyes. "C'mon, let's get you to the entrance." Said Lonnie.

I got my luggage out of my room and let the security put it in Michael's ship. While they did that, I had a hard time saying goodbye with the others.

First I said goodbye to Ford. I salute to him. "I'll see you soon Commander." I said. He salutes back. "I'll miss you." He puts down his hand and brings me into a hug.

Next was Tim. "Hey Y/n, I'll miss you very much. I think you'd houkd have this." He gave my a tracker. "Just in case something happens." "Thank you. I'll have it with me at all times." I said. We hug. "Tell me about Yale when you come back." "I will.

Next was Tony. He was hiding his tears and I couldn't help but laugh. "Come here you." I said, pulling him into a hug. "Y/n, you're like a kid sister to me ever since. I'mma miss you a lot." He said. "I'll miss you too. I'll be at the beach if you're planning to look for me." I said.

Next was Lonnie. She was already histerically crying. She hugs me tightly. "Please always answer my vid-link calls and texts." She said. "I would never ignore it. But if I miss it, it's probably cause I'm busy." I said. She lets go and wipes her tears. "I love you." "I love you too Lonnie."

Last was Lucas. "I guess this is the last of us." He said. "For now. I'll see you soon, Lucas." I said. He pulls me into a hug. A very comforting and loving one. I cry onto his shoulder. He lets go and kisses me. The last kiss we might ever have.

After a slightly long kiss, we let go. "C'mon, one last group hug." I said. We had one last group hug. "It's been a good time with you guys. I'll talk with each of you if I'm not busy." I said. I felt someone tap on my shoulder. It was the Captain and Michael. I hug the Captain. "Thank you for helping us, Y/n." He said. "Oh it was my pleasure." "Now go get your degree." He said I nodded.

"Right let's go. It was nice meeting you all. Let's go Y/n." Said Michael. I waved at everyone and they waved back. I kept waving until the doors shut.

Here comes a really new normal.

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