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    "Y/n?" Lucas said, waving his hand in front of my face. I had been spacing out. "Yeah? Sorry." I said as I look down at my food.

   "It's fine, what's up?" He asked. To be honest, I was planning like usual. I'm starting to get bored of copying information and getting away with it. I'm too good at it.

   "Nothing, just a little confused I guess." I said. "Why?" "The uh... Bomb thingy. Yeah, I was wondering about that." I lied. Lucas shrugged it off and continued eating.

    "I'm curious too. What are the Macronesians doing? I'm not really getting the point but I will someday I guess." He said. "Yeah I don't know either, really stupid. I told him not-" "told who what?" Lucas snapped. "Who? What? I didn't say that?" I said.

   "Yes you did." "Oh sorry I was uh... Thinking of something else while you were speaking. My bad." I said. That was close.

   "You know Y/n? I never really got to know you." He said. "Would you like to?" "Who wouldn't?" And with those words I blushed lightly. Me and Lucas started to have a conversation that created a stronger connection. He told me all about his life and I td him mind too. Well, at least not that I'm the "bad guy".

    "I have a brother actually, he lives in Long Island." I said. "We went there, you didn't bother to call him to stop by?" He said. "No he's a busy man." I said, although I did call him that night and he's the most laziest man I've ever met.

   "I gotta be honest with you Y/n. You aren't that bad. Hey, I'll see you later." He said standing up. "Bye..." My voice trails off as he walks away. I felt a wave of sadness hit me. What for? I don't know, but it did.

   I shrugged it off and went back to my room to change and get my stuff to go to the bridge.

fell for the good guyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora