loud mind

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     I sat down, tired and sick. I lay my head on the table. Lonnie comes to sit with me.

    "Heels killing ya?" She asked. "Everything is right now, Lonnie." I said as I took off my heels. "You're not bad for a 16 year old kid confronting their father about what they really think." "I'll take that as a compliment." I said. I looked around the place trying to get myself to calm down.

    "That felt like a full on movie." She said. "Yeah, it felt really good. I'm glad you guys believed me. I would've gone crazy if I never taught my dad a lesson." I said. "we should really celebrate."

    "I know a place nearby. We all could get a drink or something." I said. "Yeah we could go there." Lonnie said. Then commander Ford came to sit with us too. "You okay?" He asked me.

    "A little I guess. My head's just a bit loud at the moment." I said. "What you did was really brave. It's good to let it out sometimes. Even to your own family." He said. "Yeah. Well, I'm gonna leave you two alone." I said standing up.

    Commander Ford's eyes widened and he looked at Lonnie. "You told her?" He whispers to her. "Hey she's good at keeping secrets, she hasn't told anyone." She whispers back. "It's alright Commander. I would never tell a secret unless I really have too." I said walking away.

    "Y/n! Can't believe our plan worked!" O'neil said. "Well believe or not, it did." I said. We hugged for a second. "You feeling okay? A little naseous or anything? Want me to grab you some water?" He asked. "I'm fine really. It's a lot up here." I said pointing to my head. He nodded and went away.

    I then bumped into Lucas. "Oh Y/n, I'm sorry." He said. I look up at him and hug him. "Thanks for doing this mission. I'm sorry I betrayed you." I said. "Ugh, I feel like you hate me a lot now." "No, no I don't. I'm happy for you and I'm not mad, at all. It was just shocking to hear that from you." He said.

    There was a short silence. "So are you gonna celebrate?" He asked. "We're gonna celebrate, not just me. You guys helped me and trusted me." I said.

    "Oh fuck it. I really like you, Y/n. And to hear that you like me too just made me feel really happy." He said. "But you're gonna leave after this and I might not see you ever again." He said.

    "Oh Lucas..." I started.

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