hell of a bust

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     My dad then had the audiences attention. It's almost our time to shine. I tried to get anything stressful out of my head so we could ace this mission.

    "Lucas get ready." I said to the walkie. "Copy that." He replied. I waited until my father called me up on stage like he always does after I come home from stealing other submarines information.

    "May I introduce to you, my daughter. Y/n." My dad said. I got on the stage and waved as the crowd claps. I've told everyone what my signal is. All they had to do was wait.

    I said my usual speech but I added a little twist.

   "And I'd like to add one more thing. My father, was a great man. He cared for me, my brother and my beloved mother. He used to be a great father until he started to be very distant with us and focusing only on his work. The only time I could see him was when he comes home. Now, he uses me to do his nasty work." I said. The crowd slightly gasped.

   "Y/n, stop this now." My father whispered to me. "He's actually a terrible man but yet I can't help but to love him. At the same time I hate him. For being careless about how me and my family feels. He never even listens to my mother!" I said.

    "Y/n, don't make me stop you!" He said. "And now he sent me as a spy to seaquest dsv! To steal their information and everything their doing. Me! His own daughter! He said if I didn't do this, I won't go to my dream college. What douchebag!" I said into the mic. Talks from the crowd emit.

    "That's it Y/n. Security! Please escort my daughter to somewhere safe." He said. Security then grabbed as I tried to get them off me but of course I wasn't strong enough. The lights turned off. Lucas did that. I felt the security slightly let go. I ran off.

    "Everybody in position?" I said to the walkie. "Yup, I'm with Piccolo. You're already with Henderson?" Said commander Ford. "Yeah she's with me. Lucas, you get ready." I said. "Got it." He said.

    This'll be one hell of a bust.

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