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   "What the hell is that?" Asked Ford. "I don't know but it looks like trouble to me." Said Piccolo. "Can you get a little closer?" I asked Henderson. She got a little closer, not too close but close enough to see that it was one of the Macronesian property. Meaning my father put it there.

   "It's Macronesian property." I said. "What is it?" Lucas asked. To be honest, I knew what it was. But I can't just say it, it's one of our secret equipment that we put in the ocean to attract other subs and destroy them, but I'm in this ship so I need to save myself.

   "We should leave it alone." I said. "Why?" Henderson asked. "It could help us." "No it wouldn't just- c'mon turn back." I said. "Do you know what it is?" "No but it's trouble and it might kill us all right now if we don't leave." I said.

   "So you do know what it is?" Said Ford. "I just said I didn't. This is nothing to observe, and it's illegal anyway to take this. Macronesians don't know we're here." I said. "Well can you at least tell us what you think it is?"

   "A bomb, that probably might explode if sub touches it." I said. "How do you know that?" "Well, there'siving things here and it's not exploding. But it says there that it's a nuclear bomb, damn!" I said. "What?" Said Lucas. "No no no, nothing I was just- shocked I guess."

   "Alright, let's turn back then." Said Ford. Henderson turns the wheel and back to the ship. We went back to the bridge to tell the captain all about it.

   "Well, there might be more of those all over the pacific. Might watch for those. Regardless, thank you for your time. You may go back to what you were doing." He said. Well plan failed. I wanted to stay at the bridge long enough to check things out. I was about to walk out the bridge when the Captain stopped me.

   "Y/n, since you are terribly good at a lot, I was thinking to upgrade your place to here. You can now observe what we have found and not in the lab." He said. I take it back.

   "Oh, I would love that! But right now is my break, do you mind...?" I said. "Oh not at all, have a rest. You've done well today." He said. I smiled and walked out the bridge to go eat. Lucas walked up to me.

   "Hey, I heard you got a new job." He said. "Mhm, what about you?" "Still, I'm not really working I just live here and since I'm so very smart, they kept me and use me as their own scientist. Which I'm totally fine with but I just don't get paid." He said. I laugh, "Well, maybe you're not working hard enough for the captain to even think of paying you." I said.

   "Hey you're going to lunch?" He asks. "Yes, you canc one with me." I said and he whispers a 'yes' in celebrating.

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