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I was with Lucas and we were going to continue Peaky Blinders. I watched it really fast. We're already on season 3.

"I need you, Grace. I need you." Said Thomas Shelby through the screen to his wife. Grace smiles and kisses him. When they were about to continue the party, a man with a gun comes up to them. "For Angel!" He yells and meant to shoot Tommy but instead, his wife got shot. I covered my mouth, feeling tears roll down my cheeks. The other Shelby brothers beat the guy who shot Grace.

Lucas hugs me and gives me a kiss on my head.

"Get a fucking ambulance!" Tommy yells. And that was the end of episode 2 of season 3. "What? No! Grace can't die! Tommy literally needs her, they can't do that! That's Tommy's other half. Grace made him smile and everything!" I said as i cry into Lucas' chest. He shushes me slowly, comforting me. "People lose their loved ones all the time, Y/n." He said. I continue to cry.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I just... I shipped them from the start. I knew they were gonna end up together." I said, wiping my tears and nose. "It's okay, I'm sad too. I liked them together." He said. "Do you still want to continue?" "No I think I'm gonna go to bed." I said, getting up.

"Wait a minute, I want to talk to you." He said. I sat back next to him. "Umm so you know about the new observer? He's pretty much a year older than us." He said. "Yeah, we had a talk and turns out he goes to Yale too! He offered to take me there when I'm going and I took it. He's a nice guy." I said. "Yeah umm Y/n, Seaquest has been having problems with the UEO lately and he might be doing something bad. So just don't stay too close." He said.

"How do you know that? We helped the CEO about my dad stealing stuff and all. How could they be mad at us?" I asked. "Well, we have problems again. I don't know specifically what they are but all I know is that we are like... Frenemies." He said. I laugh.

"I don't think the Captain would accept someone from the UEO to observe us if we had problems. And I don't think UEO would send anyone either." I said. "C'mon, what is it? It looks like you've something stuck up your ass." "Look, he's trying to get you. Just don't be so close with him." He said. "Why not? Are you jealous?" "What? No!"

"Oh shut up, yes you are. He's only gonna be showing me around and helping me sign in. We take the same major so it's not gonna be hard for me and I won't be so lonely." I said. "Nothing's gonna happen. Besides if something did, you can't control it." I said.

"Relax, I'm too used to you being my boyfriend now." I said. He smiles and kisses me. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said. "Goodnight." I said then left.

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