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They put Amy in her bed, May running to her room with the dagger. There was some kind of substance on the blade which looked suspicious. May wanted to know as soon as possible what it is.

Aurora stayed by Amy's side the whole time, she couldn't let her be alone. She assigned Mark with the task of taking care of Nathan, letting Seonghwa and San tag along.

They soon came to the cabin, waiting if Aurora would come out, sitting down at the table when she didn't. They wanted to stay just in case Aurora needed them.

Aurora was glad to know that San was alright, just a light bruise on his back, which healed itself in a matter of hours. He was also the one who finished Nathan's father while Aurora was occupied with the woman.

May came out of her bedroom, sad.

"It's bad, Rory. It was a substrate of Lunaic herb, a very powerful herb whose substract, if not diluted right, can kill. The dagger was smeared with one hundred percent substrate." Aurora's eyes teared up.

"Is there anything we can do?" What will she do? Amy is the only family Aurora has left. She can't let her die.

"As much as it looks bad, there is a solution. There is this herb called Ensoleil, her substrate can heal her." Aurora nodded.

"Then let's find it. How does it look?"

"It won't be that easy. Both of these are rare. While Lunaic vegetate in cold environment, the Ensoleil loves and needs a lot of sun. They don't vegetate in the same environment, the Lunaic vegetates around here and the Ensoleil usually around equator." Hope disappeared from Aurora's eyes. "The venom is spreading slowly so there's time, but I don't know if it'll be enough."

"How much time does she have?" San must have felt her distress, because his hands embraced her quickly, Seonghwa standing nearby.

"Two weeks. The venom is spreading slowly, but surely. I need to get the substrate into her in two weeks, or she'll die the week after. In the last week it's impossible to stop the venom." Aurora breathed out, her breath shaky.

"It's okay, I'll go find it and come back." Aurora turned around in San's arms. Her eyes were teary, the tears eventually finding their way out. She couldn't turn down his offer. "You should stay here and take care of the pack. Seonghwa and others will be here with you." He kissed her temple, watching her nodding.

"Okay. Thank you."

"She's my family, too."

She came back just to endanger her whole pack. Amy was like this just because of her! It should have been her, Aurora. The dagger should have hit her.

And when she finally thought everything was going to be okay, the universe brought her another obstacle, this time much bigger than she could handle.

"Jay and I are going too." Aurora turned around to look at the two wolves standing in the door. Jay and Jem. She expected it. All she could do was nod, she was drained, physically and emotionally.

"I'll give you money for the trip, you'll have to take a plane." Aurora surrendered to her emotions. However, she hasn't lost hope just yet. Jay, Jem and San were going to find the herb they needed. They will find it! They have to.

"We found each other just to be separated again." San sighed, kissing her forehead. "I will miss you, my dear omega."

"I'll miss you too, alpha." Aurora and San were sitting in Aurora's bed, bidding their goodbyes. It should be noted that it took a really long time. Aurora couldn't let San go just yet. He was right, why did they have to be separated again? It wasn't fair, but neither was what happened to Amy and Aurora wouldn't let her die without trying something, anything.

The pack leader (ff San, Seonghwa)Where stories live. Discover now