Aurora was nervous, but she set the pace and kept it steady when nobody complained. They were passing trees, running through woods and not looking back. Aurora's heightened reflexes made her more flexible to dodge bushes on the ground or low branches.

Aurora picked up the scent of Jay and Minho, the first having the scent of orange, the latter having the scent of coffee, she even scented Amy yet her scent wasn't as prominent as the other two.  These were the closest and the most familiar wolves to her. She went after their scent, trying to slow down the pace, but she was restless and wanted her pack to be reunited again, so it was hard for her.

'They are not far, Rora.'

'Thank you, Jem. How far do you think they are?' Aurora could pick up the scent, could trace them, but the real tracker was Benjamin, one of the twin betas, his light brown-sandy fur with black paws and black muzzle area being the same as his twin brother's, William. They were proud trackers of Clarity and could be told apart only by their eyes in wolf form, Jem having blueberry eyes and Will blue eyes with grey spots, or even hair in their human form, greenish hair belonging to Jem, nougat hair to Will. Josh, the little rusty furred beta, was learning tracking from them, as they are considered the best in this field. That was at least what Aurora's father had said and she believed him. They both were amazing and she was very proud of them.

'About one or two kilometres. If we keep this pace we'll get to them in three to five minutes.'

'Good job, Jem. San, how are you doing there? Is everything alright?' She hasn't checked on him since they started running, not because she forgot, but because she believed him and also wanted to see how competent he'll be.

'Everything is okay, leader. Did we already cross the borders?'

'I think so, San. Mark wouldn't stop nowhere near them. Of course we cannot be fully sure, but I think we did cross them.'

After that no one spoke, everybody kept their place in formation with the same pace.

The terrain started to be wilder, making Aurora slow down. They definitely crossed the borders, she didn't see this kind of terrain before, and she traveled quite a lot with her father around the country.

Thump, thump. Her ears swerved the way she caught the quiet sound of a beating heart. When she concentrated, she could hear more of them in that place, six to be exact.

She immediately went after the sound, feeling through the link that her group members were confused by the sudden change of route. The most confused was Jem, since the scent wasn't in the direction Aurora was leading them to.

'Rora, the scent...'

'It's okay, Jem. I can hear them now. Just follow me.' Aurora was sure she heard their heartbeats. There was no way she could not recognise the one heartbeat she loved so much before.

'Mark, do you hear me?'

'Aurora!' She felt his worry to vanish and be replaced by happiness and relief. 'Yes, I hear you.' Aurora chuckled in response, glad they will reunite again soon.

It took them two minutes to maneuver through the terrain to the place the rest of the pack was hiding at.

'Is everyone okay?'

'Yes, alpha.'

'Jisung, how are you doing?' Concern in her voice made the whole pack concentrate on the conversation.

'I'm doing okay, alpha. My paw started to hurt before we settled down here, May changed my herbs and now I'm better.'

'I'm glad to hear that, thank you, May. Good job.' Aurora felt herself to become less stressed now that they were together again.

The pack leader (ff San, Seonghwa)Where stories live. Discover now