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"Have you seen Yunho today, Aurora? I can't find him anywhere." Jongho came to her, asking for his friend, knowing he always came to say hi before doing any work.

"Oh? No, I haven't, Jongho, but I'm glad you're here, could you help me, please?" She was just about to lift and move a beam and it looked rather difficult to do by herself. Jongho was very strong, she learnt he worked out everyday for at least two hours and that made her impressed when she first heard it, people could actually tell from his muscular body, which contrasted with his baby-like face.

"Of course," he quickly replied, helping her. "You probably don't know where he could go, right? Hongjoong wanted to talk to him about something."

"I really don't know," she shook her head. "He'll show up somewhere, you know how he is." One thing she learnt about the six friends were their so called positions in their little group. Yunho was the energetic one, together with Wooyoung and Mingi they lightened every atmosphere they were in. Yeosang, Hongjoong and Jongho were more reserved, Yeosang being more introverted than the rest, yet they all fit together just right. It reminded her a little of her pack, just a little, but still.

"You're right. Maybe he's with his father, he said there is something concerning the southest cabin." Aurora nodded.

"Yeah, it's close to a river so we tried to figure out how to decrease the danger of it flooding the cabin if there are heavy rains." They were actually debating on it from the start, coming to the conclusion they would build a little wall to prevent the mentioned situation.

"Oh, I see." They put the beam down, going back to move two more beams.

"Did Yeosang talk Mingi out of the camping?" She felt rain in the air, they have to hurry up, they should wrap it up soon today.

"Oh, no." The amused laughter that came out of Jongho's lungs was addicting, making her smile instantly. "No, he didn't. We're going this weekend." Of course he didn't, Mingi was a cheerful guy who might be a scaredy-cat, which he denied, but he was also stubborn. If he made up his mind, nobody could convince him otherwise. He was always honest with her and everyone, which was one of the things Aurora liked about him.

"Did you check the weather forecast?" she asked while moving the last beam with Jongho, noticing Yeosang in the corner of her eye.

"Actually, no. But we never minded going in whatever weather, no matter if it rained or was so hot that we were drenched in our own sweat."

"Talk for yourself, Jongho. I like neither and yet you always dragged me with you," Yeosang interrupted their conversation, cold tone to his voice. Aurora smiled apologetically at him, putting the beam down, watching Jongho doing the same.

"We both know you enjoyed it as much as we did. Should I remind you about that one time you practically danced in the rain?" Jongho smirked, pushing strands of hair from his eyes.

Yeosang blushed, going his own way, embarrassed. He was so handsome, Aurora couldn't help but watch him leaving while Jongho pushed her lightly with a knowing look. She blushed, averting her eyes from him. He caught her staring at his friend, which could seem rather confusing if you knew who she had waiting for her, but she didn't mean it in any flirting or longing way. Yeosang just fascinated her, he was really the most handsome human she has ever seen and that was a fact, so she couldn't help herself and stare. It didn't mean much to her, her heart belonged to someone else.

"I'll go find Hongjoong, Yunho might have already appeared. See ya around, Aurora." She nodded, parting ways with Jongho just to run to Hongjoong on her way to her cabin.

"Aurora, have you seen Jongho? He went looking for Yunho but I already talked to him." She looked back on the road where they parted ways.

"He helped me with some beams and we split up there," she said pointing back. "He said he's going to look for you."

The pack leader (ff San, Seonghwa)Where stories live. Discover now