Their progress was slow, Mark pacing the group in consideration of Jisung. Everyone was restless, but they couldn't just make a turn and go back from where they came from, it was too late.

Aurora couldn't help but think about her father. She missed him and wondered how he was doing. Was he even still alive? Of course he was! He is her father after all, he taught her everything she knows. Even if he had to hide, he could survive, she was sure.

A voice in a private link made her snap out of her thoughts.

'Rora, I think we should take a break. Jisung looks like he's in pain.' Aurora mentally cursed herself for not looking after Jisung how she promised to herself, immediately letting the pack know they were going to take a break. She could feel the group's falling stress and anxiety.

'How are you doing, pup?'

'It hurts a bit, alpha,' Jisung admitted, making Aurora proud of his courage to tell her his true feelings and pains.

'May, come here, please, and take a look at Jisung.'

May sniffed his paw and licked it. 'It needs to get the herbals changed.'

'Do it then, we'll wait until you're ready, okay, Jisung?'


May walked behind the trees to shift, Aurora walking to Jay, his sandy-brownish fur well visible from afar, and San, who had to be close to Jay.

'How is San doing?' Aurora asked privately, not wanting to attract San's attention, who was talking with Jem, trying to get to know him, since they were going to be in the group together. Everyone could hear their conversation, which made it easier for them to get to know San and for Jisung it was good for distraction from his injury.

'Pretty well, actually. He's a good guy and he seems to be really genuine about Clarity. Also, it looks like Amy and Josh will have some competition in hunting, he told me he was the best hunter in his previous pack and Amy, as well as you, will have a double competitor, apparently he was also the fastest.' Aurora could feel Jay chuckle, that being something she loved about her friend. It made her internally smile.

'We'll see about that. But I really miss our friendly combats, don't you?' She sighed, she missed the old times.

'Oh, I do too, Roe. We can combat again when we arrive at our destination.' He nudged her side with his nose, snuggling to her neck. It was a gesture typical for mates, but she was comfortable enough doing this with just two wolves, Jay and Minho, neither of them being her mate. Normally this would give the more submissive one assurance from their mate, but for Jay and Aurora, they were best friends who knew one another from childhood, creating a strong friendship and special kind of bond between them. This was Jay's way of comforting her.

'I'm done with Jisung, leader.'

'Excellent, good job, May. We'll take ten more minutes for the herbs to start working and then we'll continue.'

'The borders are near, start to gather around me, please.'

Everyone listened to her, their pace slowing down. She didn't want to split up, but she knew it was the best solution to not get caught and not be seen by someone.

'Split into your groups, please.' Everybody did as she asked. 'Group one will start crossing the borders. It might be a bit dangerous, so pay attention to your surroundings. Mark is in the lead. Take them through the borders and hide somewhere safe, we'll find you. Group two will take off twenty minutes after group one leaves,' she went over the plan once again. She hated the fact that they had to split, fearing someone could get lost, but she trusted her alphas to take care of the pack.

Aurora came closer to Minho, looking at Jisung for permission. He just nodded at her, knowing what she was asking for without words. She snuggled against his neck, taking in his scent. His dark brown fur going well with Jisung's light brown fur with white strands always made her a bit jealous, even though she wanted the best for the two.

San was watching this exchange with fueling anger, he couldn't look at that. Not when he wanted the omega for himself. She just attracted him so much he didn't know what to do with it.

'Take good care of yourselves. We'll see each other on the other side of the borders.' San heard Aurora talking through the link, sad tone to her voice. The first group left slowly but surely.

Aurora looked at them leaving and listened to their steady steps until she could hear them no more. Then she turned around and looked at the four remaining members of her pack.

'Since I'm the one who knows the path, I'm leading in the front. San is going at the end. May will be in the middle, Josh and Jem both on her sides. Don't loosen the formation, only if I tell you to. Group one had to go slowly because of Jisung's injury, but we are not injured, so we're going to run, fastly. I set the pace, if it's too fast, let me know. Any questions?'

'No, alpha,' all four of them answered.

'Good, now take a rest, I'll let you know when we're taking off.'

'The place where my pack was supposed to meet is not far from here,' San informed her, thinking it was important information. Aurora's head moved up to see San.

'Do you think there could be some wandering lone wolves around?' She immediately thought of her pack members who left first. San lay down beside Aurora, continuing their conversation in private link.

'I mean it's possible, but not much probable. It's been a long time since I left that place, more than a month now.' Aurora relaxed a bit at his words. That meant there shouldn't be any danger in the form of lone wolf, which was good.

'You and Jay seem to be close,' San interrupted the silence that was between them. Aurora chuckled.

'I'm close with every member of the pack, aside from you. But you're right, Jay and I are especially good friends. We practically grew up together. Strong friendship,' Aurora explained happily. There wasn't a word for how strong their friendship was. 'Don't you miss someone from your previous pack?'

'I do. My best friend Seonghwa. He is a year older than me, a very good listener and even better friend. He gives really good advices, is kind and caring and he was always on my side.' San sounded sad, making Aurora feel a pinch of guilt.

'That sounds like a really good best friend. I'm sorry I made you sad.' San looked at her surprised, feeling his heart bursting.

'No, don't apologize! I love thinking about him, there is no way he couldn't be alive. Even if the whole pack is destroyed, he was able to flee, Seonghwa is very smart.'

'It's nice to see you have so much faith in him.' She never saw this kind of faith and trust, it made her be stunned.

'Never ever you should underestimate Seonghwa. Believe me, I did once. Never again.' Aurora laughed at San's words and shook head, feeling genuinely happy conversing with him. Unfortunately, this moment had to wait for later, as the time for them to go came.

'Let's continue this conversation later,' she said through a private link to San, then she spoke to all four of them. 'Let's go, it's time.'

The pack leader (ff San, Seonghwa)Where stories live. Discover now