San was just replaced by Mark on patrol when he could feel high satisfaction coming through the link his way. It was probably there the whole time he was patrolling and he only wasn't paying much attention to it, but now, when he didn't have to concentrate on his surroundings that much, he let it all in.

It was a very weird feeling and judging by Mark's silence, San concluded it was only him feeling like this, or at least experiencing this feeling with the one who it came from.

He got into the tent, wanting to find the omega he knew the feeling must have been coming from, since only she could make a private link. But why would she want him to know she was very content at the moment?

He found her sleeping soundly in the embrace of Jay and his wolf went crazy. He couldn't look at her in someone's embrace, the omega is his!

Then he stood there dumbfounded, he suddenly realized what he had just thought.

Mine? he asked himself, not believing this was possible. Yes, he felt attracted to her just by her scent and then even by her personality and looks, but he hasn't thought about her like that, until now. How could he not be attracted by her long brown hair or grey eyes reflecting her fur? Or her smaller slim figure, even though she was bigger omega, being possibly the biggest one he had encountered, even towering over smaller betas.

"Are you okay, San?" Jay's voice brought him out of his thoughts, which were very messy right now. The realisation hit him hard. He liked her, very. But that didn't explain why she was sending him her feelings through the private link right now.

He snapped out of his thoughts and gave attention to Jay, whose head was turned his way. Aurora in his embrace irritated San, it made him want to fight with Jay. He suppressed everything, he couldn't afford any kind of fight with any member of his new pack.

"Yes, I am. It just... she kinda sends me everything she feels right now," San whispered back.

"She does that? That never happened. Is it a private link? I can't feel anything besides what I can feel by being this close to her."

"What does it mean?" San was confused. It wasn't only his thoughts, it was her doings as well.

"I don't know, maybe she let her guard down a bit more."

"Is she okay?" San hoped he did a good job on keeping an eye on her, she didn't seem out of her thoughts during the whole climb. But maybe she just didn't make it obvious.

"She will be. Don't worry. She should be our old omega leader tomorrow again. If you want to talk to her about it, maybe it would be better to wait until this journey comes to an end. She's omega after all and shy one at that. It will be better to talk about it in privacy when she isn't stressed." San had to agree with Jay. He should look after her more from now on.

"Where are we actually headed?"

"North, we will cross the borders once more and there Roe will find some good place to settle down again. We have to cross this whole country and she is worried about the journey. Once or maybe twice we plan to board on boat, since bypassing the broad river would take weeks. She worries a lot about encountering humans."

"We are humans too." San couldn't understand what was so worrisome about travelling with humans, they were humans too!

"Tell that to her and she'll go crazy, I warn you. She doesn't want to be 'labeled' as one since they 'lost the touch with nature'." San chuckled. She was so different. It made him feel more attracted to her.

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight."

"Goodnight, San."

It still bothered San that the omega was in Jay's arms, but he buried it deep inside. He needed sleep and also some time to think.

The pack leader (ff San, Seonghwa)Where stories live. Discover now