a new teacher

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pov luna
Suddenly we heard someone clear their throat and I totally freezed while Ginny turned around hastily with cheeks in a deep shade of red from the embarrassement. As she saw who has been watching, she got even more embarrassed. It was their new teacher of DADA, even though she didn't look like one in her all baby pink fit and her neatly ordered curls. "Excuse me girls, what do you think you're doing?" I was still freezed an totally incapable of anything so I was very glad Ginny started to talk. "We didn't expect anybody to be in here on a Saturday morning, I'm sorry. We'll head to breakfast now." "Of course you will", the pink teacher said with a weird undercurrent in her voice that I couldn't quite get hold of. "Bye then." "Bye", I finally managed to add to Ginny. "See you. And remember I'll keep an eye on you two", the teacher said, still with the same undercurrent in her way too high voice.

Pov Ginny
I could feel Ginny stiffen behind me. I knew exactly that she hated situations like that. Why didn't I check the room before I had dragged her into it just to be interrupted by that teacher. And on top of that a new teacher. After a short exchange I was very happy to also hear a 'bye' from Luna which told me that at least I didn't just give my girlfriend a panic attack. I still felt so dumb but that soon passed when I could look into Luna's eyes again outside of the classroom we were just watched snogging in. "I'm so sorry Luna – I didn't think – why was she in there, it's a Saturday – and – I'm so sorry are you ok?", I stuttered before Luna could say anything at all. "It's okay, I'm okay, stop worrying, chérie, it wasn't your fault okay? And no risk no fun right?", she said, calmly looking into my green eyes with her irresistible golden ones. "And at least we already know our new DADA teacher, don't we?""She seems a little homophobic though, don't you think?", I said with a little smile on my face. "How can you always find the perfect words when it comes to me?", I asked her. "Well, I guess I'm a natural, aren't I?" "Yes, you are, baby" I answered and tried to lean in for a kiss. Luna turned her head to the right so that I could only give her a French kiss on the cheek. "We're in the corridor, everybody's already looking, chérie!" "I don't care, I just want to kiss you!" "Well, that'll have to wait then. Can you do that for me?" "Well I couldn't somehow disagree with someone with those golden puppy eyes you're making right now, could I?" "Good. So let's get to breakfast, I'm starving!" "Oh I'm not surprised by that after today's morning." "Oh shut up, m'étoile!" "Well, I wouldn't want to be a star if you're down here." "You really are too cheesy." "Says the one that calls me French nick names?"I asked with a bright smile in my face, my heart completely lost in our love. "Yes, she does say that. And she says that she loves you and that she's really starving because of you and that you should hurry up now." "Already coming. sI love you too" With those words we hurried to the great hall, consumed by the thought of a big breakfast.

linny Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon