harry pricker pt2

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luna POV
Ginny and I snuck out of the common room after we had both freshened up with a shower and brushed out teeth. She felt so well rested and this had been one of the best weeks of her life. She felt so unconditionally loved by Ginny. She was the light in her dark world. She had made her world a lot brighter and was  a beacon of hope in this bleak expanse that was the world. She felt a slight tug on her robes that brought her back to reality."Come on your daydreaming again, we need to get you back to the ravenclaw dorms asap before someone sees that you are gone." Ginny pleaded with luna but she just stood there looking as if she was petrified. Ginny tried to wake her up from her daydream but her eyes looked alert but she just couldn't move.

Ginny POV
She tried to shake her awake but it was no use. She was unresponsive. What could have made her go into such a state all of a sudden. She tentatively looked behind her and got the answer she was looking for. Harry fucking Potter of course. Who else would it be he was a jealous shit. I shot a spell back at him just as i saw luna fall to the floor.I cast a protective charm around luna so she was protected from the spells coming from both sides and started to duell with harry. I heard the muffled screams of luna as i shot spells at harry. What had he done to her. Then it hit me, he had cast a silent crucio spell at luna. 'Oh you're so dead potter!' I screamed at him. I knocked him to the ground unconscious and dragged his limp body into a nearby broom cupboard  and locked with a quick spell. He would be out for a while but just to be on the safe side.I ran back over to luna and saw that her face was mortified and hurt. She was in the same unresponsive state and she was not replying to my pleading demands to snap out of it. I knew that it was useless so I quickly scooped up her limp nearly unconscious body and carried her to the hospital wing.

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