the struggle

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⚠️possible trigger⚠️
ginny pov
i got hold of the box when the roof started to fall through i was in my own little space blacked out when i heard luna in my head saying 'come on you can do this for me and your family i love you!' i got me back around when i was hearing screams from outside yelling "no" or "i should have stopped her." there was one voice that sounded like ellie's saying," i don't think she's really gone she can't be, not auntie ginny!" i just had to get out. everyone was crying into each other when i was slowly making it to the door. ellie said "look there she is." but no one believed her because the last hour has messed with her head. someone said," oh really come on ellie it isn't funny."
i grinned at her and spoke up,"you should really listen to her she smart you know." no one could believe i was stood there when i started coughing from to much intake of smoke. fred started to walk over to me but i collapsed he caught me just in time.

molly weasleys pov
i was feeling light headed it was feelings i couldn't even put into words i felt guilty for what happened because i should of made she was with me, she shouldn't of even go into the fire. i was crying my eyes out into arthur's shoulder when was saying, "it should have been me. i should of made sure i was out or that she didn't go behind me when she was saving me." i said with voice cracks from crying so much. arthur was just rubbing my back. at this point i was down on my knees crying and crying when ellie spoke up and said,"look there she is." someone spoke but i couldn't tell who it was because of the muffled voice said ," oh really come on ellie it isn't funny." i really wanted to believe her but a lot has happened to her in the last hour or so but a voice spoke out and said ,"you should really listen to her she smart you know." thats when i stood up quicker then ever to see if it was really true. fred started to stubble across to her but she collapsed, fred caught her just in time. we all ran over i got on my knees to see if she was still breathing but she was but it was slow very slow. i spoke up and said," we should take her to hogwarts to madam pomfrey."
sirius said," we can take some back to ours if you want so it's not to crowded but i denied politely just so that everyone could be there if things turned for the worst. i spoke "sirius do what ever you need to do but keep me updated on how everything is. i'm will apparate with ginny. the twins you are going with percey. arthur, ron, bill and fluer you all go together and please nobody get splintered.
sirius said," we'd like to go to hogwarts to get a check up on ellie." i nodded and we all went i went straight into dumbledore's office was when he stood up quickly to see a very still ginny in my arm. he didn't even hesitation it and rushed us to the hospital wing
on the way he woke up madam pomfrey. we all rushed to the hospital wing to see everyone else there. dumbledore and madam pomfrey said in sync," what happened." so explained everything quickly. i grabbed onto ginny's hand to see that she was holding a box. i was curious so i opened it, it was a ring. i stood over to where everyone else was and questioned ,"what does this ring mean."
fred spoke "it was luna's christmas present to her it must be a promise ring."
i asked," how is she."
madam pomfrey replied with," it's not looking too good the amount of smoke she's took in the is a possibility that she will wake but it was only a 45% that she will." she had nearly tears in her eyes because she got to know ginny well when she was in here all the time because of her brothers. she said "it might be an idea to all say your goodbyes now just in case."
i broke down into more tears when bill walked over to comfort me. all that was going through me head was that it's my fault she might die. i told everyone what madam pomfrey told me and then all look heartbroken. i think ellie over heard and she ran over to ginny and hugged her whilst crying. i stood next to remus when a nurse that worked with madam pomfrey came up to sirius and remus and started speaking," your daughter is special and it breaks my heart knowing this but your daughter survived and is still managed to walk around after having the cruciatus used in her, that i very rare." remus and sirius was speechless didn't know what to say i could see in there eyes that they wanted to cry more for what happened to her daughter. the nurse walked away sirius spoke up and said," hunny leave auntie ginny alone and let her sleep." she took a sad stroll over to us.
i asked,"sweetie when you were luna and the fire started did a spell hit you?"
she replied with,"yes it was red and bright it hurt that why i screamed so loud but it didn't hurt for long because auntie luna said a little spell that made the pain go." i nodded with a questioning face whilst ellie climbed back into bed.
i turned to sirius and remus and said," this either means that luna is a lot more powerful then we fought or ellie is but i've never heard of a spell that made the pain go away." they nodded in agreement whilst still shocked. at that moment minerva mcgonagall burst in wound up about the situation. ginny and talked the professor all the time she would always spend time with her when she had nothing to do or when she had problems she would always go to her for anything that we didn't know about yet she told professor. they had a close relationship. she walked over to me and offered a hug she pulled away and i explained everything that happened and what madam pomfrey told me. minerva was crying at this point. when i looked around i could see everyone mentally preparing there speech. percey went first and then bill and fluer then ron. it was harry and hermione went but they had a plan after they said there goodbyes that i didn't even know about till that said.
hermione said," if anything happens whilst we're gone send a patronus. if your wondering where we're going we are going to get luna so she can be here for this."
they all left before i could say anything. everyone said there goodbyes but me. i sat down in the chair next to her but i was stuck on what to say. i started of by saying," hunny i never meant for any of this to happen but im sorry it did i love you more then anything. it should have been not you." my vision was blurry for the amount i was crying. " remember that time when you was younger and you said you christmas speech then and i was all about a santa and how much you loved him but at the end you said but i will always love this family more. i was crying then as well on how sweet and kind my daughter was and now my only daughter is all grown up ready to start new beginnings when old things come t an end but don't get forget you can't end i'm not ready for that to be it." i broke down crying as we all stood around her.


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