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Luna POV
The pain seared through my body like a hot knife. When I fell to the floor I felt liquid start to come out of my nose. It was blood I could smell it. I heard someone coming down the stairs and felt a safe warm hand on my back. It was Ginny she was always there to save me. She started to yell at Harry and I heard him leave and Ginny tried to pick me up but I felt a searing pain. I yelped and Ginny put me back on the floor. She went upstairs and rushed back down with a warm blanket that was on her bed. It smelt so much like her. She scooped me up in it but I had to bite my tounge and deal with the pain. "You'll have to stay in my room for a bit or maybe the night until this wears off" said Ginny in a hushed voice so as to not wake anybody up. "Oh no," said Ginny "you don't have anything to wear to sleep." She said it in a very embarrassed way and started to blush. "I think that I might have some spare that you could wear to sleep in."

Ginny POV
She started to riffle through her drawers to see if she could find a pair of pyjamas for Luna. "I'll help you get changed if you want seeing as you can't really move?" Luna nodded her head a small amount and Ginny saw Luna start to blush. The spell had started to wear off a bit and Luna was able to move her joints by the smallest amount. Ginny began to strip Luna and then replaced her robes with the pyjamas. When she removed her blouse she saw that she had scars and new cuts in the inside of her arms. Luna tried to cover them but failed as the curse was still active but wearing of quite a bit now. "Luna what have you been doing to yourself!?" Ginny said and she tried to see the rest of the damage. Luna started racking with sobs and let Ginny encompass her in warmth. "I don't know I just get these impulses to cut myself." She said it so quietly it was barely audible. Ginny embraces her and stoked her hair in a soothing way. She kissed her on the cheek and saw a noticeable blush on Luna's face. Ginny loved making her blush.

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