christmas evening

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luna pov
we all ended up sat talking at sunset, i decided i wanted to go wish my mum a merry christmas. i whispered in ginny's ear, "i'm going to wish mum a merry christmas. is that ok?" she turnt around and smiled.she replied with,"yes ofc take as long as you need." i walked out side to my usual spot at sat there watching the sunset. i saw the first star showing its self so i started to talk i said," hey mum i just wanted to merry Christmas, ginny came out  out to her family today it went well it was a very moving speech. her family was very accepting it's what i would imagine you being like very accepting." then i saw a light coming towards me and it was a patronus giving a message asking if ellie could come out and sit with me but it said don't worry if not. i turned around and nodded. this little girl with a smile on her face came running out. she sat down on my lap and we talked for a while when i saw something come out of the sky. i panicked but i had to think of ellie i picked her up she was sat on my hip whilst i got my wand out with the other hand. ellie screamed at the top of her voice which i think got attention of the people inside, the ball landed and i was bellatrix, before i could make it back she sent a fire ring around the house. i tried spells to get it to move so we can run through it. bellatrix tried to hit me with a hex, i blocked it and tried to fire on back. ellie was crying into my shoulder at this point all i kept repeating was "it's ok petite étoile." with a calm voice with spells between saying that.

ginny pov
i was sat in the living room with the people before just without luna and ellie. we were all talking when a really loud scream came from outside. it sounded like ellie remus and sirius ran out along with dad, mum told me to stay put, i couldn't i just couldn't though it was killing me to help her. i walked out and there was a massive ring of fire around the house. luna and ellie were on the outside of it, ellie was sort of sat on luna's hip whilst throwing spells at bellatrix. mum was stood in the door way when dad, remus and sirius were all trying to make a gap.
a gap formed right next to luna and she pushed ellie through to sirius but there wasn't enough time to get luna through. luna then ran through the areas with long grass. mum couldn't stop me getting past and i ran for it, i managed to get through the fire and have my wand ready to run to the same place as luna. all i heard was mum shout "ginny no!"
all that was going through my head was that she was the love of my life and i couldn't let her go. i was running when i saw fenrir greyback looking at me i shot a spell at him and he flew to a different part of the grass. my face dropped even more when i heard luna scream i was like pain i've never felt. i heard bellatrix shout "crucio!" which made her scream. i heard people behind me but i was only dad and remus. bellatrix and fenrir left with luna, it felt like someone was ripping me apart slowly. they flew up and headed straight to the house when that caught on fire. we all ran back to see if mum was okay. everyone was out the house but i couldn't see mum. fred was crying into george's arm when he couldn't see mum but i wasn't ready to lose another person today. i think dad new what i was going to do and ran up and grabbed onto me. i got out of his grip and took my jacket off, put it over my mouth and i ran in.
i heard mum moaning in pain and that when i saw her with her wand apart from her i shouted "aguamenti!" i shouted that a lot. we wasn't far from the door but before that i had to grab the one last thing that reminded me of luna. mum got out but she didn't notice i wasn't there anymore because i was getting the ring she gave me for christmas.
i got hold of the box and began to run out when...

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