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third person pov
ginny made it to the side of the pitch and then madam hooch said the team names then gryffindor and hufflepuff flew out. madam hooch then blew the whistle.

ginny pov
the whistle blew and i was first to get the quaffle and i went straight past everyone and scored.
it lasted a while until the chosen prick caught the golden snitch and i felt happy. until i remember what's happening with luna. i went into the changing rooms and luna was already in there. so i decided to go straight back in the showers at shower room. we got are own cubicle and put a silencing charm around. you probably knows where it goes from there.

luna pov
me and ginny finished in the shower and headed back to gryffindor common room to have a party and celebrate. hermione came up to us and asked why we took so long all i said is "we were in the shower" and then i winked. she just walked off smiling. we had fun all night until 1:30ish and headed to bed for potions in the morning. plus the talk tomorrow

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