the talk

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⚠️tw- self-harm, suicidal talk⚠️

ginny pov
i just woke up that felt like a hours sleep. everyone was sat at the end,i felt a little blush come upon my face when i saw the platinum haired girl sat talking on a chair. no one noticed i sat up yet so i stood up and slowly walked over to luna. george loudly spoke,"look who's up!" that when everyone faced me and i still made my way to luna and i sat on her lap and joined in the conversation.
they were talking about the future and what's their dreams.
luna questioned,"what's yours chérie. oh and also before you ask that means darling." everyone laughed at her comment.
i wanted to say the truth but i didn't know how to phrase it so i said," in my future i wish i have kids with a beautiful wife. i want all of us to stay in touch and meet up for more than just occasional times." everyone looked at me with smiles then fred handed me something. he explained,"drink this,you look like you need a drink" i was really needing a drink.
i carried on,"of so that was a truth serum, you want to here well my truthful answer is that i don't think i will get out of this dark place their is a tiny light inside of me that is dying out. the one thing that is keeping that light lit is the hope that i have that fake reality one day with luna. when she got took i thought she was dead that why i stayed in that fire once mum left to get something to her close to me." it started to wear of at this point and people were looking at me with tears in my eyes. that's when i felt my eyes burning to. mum said,"ginny dear why didn't you say anything." i just looked at the floor crying i get like i ruined everyone's happiness. i was so angry at fred.
i shouted,"FRED WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME, YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. THERE WAS NO NEED TO DO THAT!" i was so mad i just ran out the room not knowing where i was going. someone came after me i didn't know who it was or what the wanted but i didn't care. i went to the astrometry tower to clear my head from my thoughts.

fred's pov
after ginny said all of that my heart sank deeper then it ever had before. i felt so much regret, she shouted at me and stormed out other people tried to go but i knew i had to be the one. i ran after her i knew where she would be going because it was our spot if we ever had a talk. see that's the thing with ginny we tell each other everything and never keep anything from her and she does the same with me. i didn't know how she has been feeling like this. she was crying sat on the edge with her feet over the side. i walked up to her and sat next to her.
i said," hey gin, wanna talk?"
she looked like she didn't want to but she said,"i'm sorry i shouted back there i just feel like there no hope anymore, i felt if i jumped no one would care."
"please know everyone would care without you this family would fall apart your the glue that's sticks us together. if you ever done that so many people would miss you. look at all of us we love you all. look at luna i see the way you two look at each other and it's true love it's the way i see mum and dad look each other they have love as well. imagine you two have 7 children."
"but what if something happened to her i could never find love again she the one that i need to keep my mind straight"
"she is one of the most powerful witches i watched her bring you back and even madam pomfrey couldn't save you. we almost lost you once please don't do it to us again."
"i love all of you too. i promise i won't do anything as long as you promise to help me and also never give me the truth syrup again."
"yes i promise. can we go back because i think we left everyone in tears."
we both stood up and i wrapped my arm around her shoulder that's when she winced. i turned at looked at her face.
i said,"ginevra molly weasley you show me your arms and shoulders now!"
"what no! why?"
"just show me now i won't be mad"
she slowly rolled up her sleeves all i saw was big deep cuts i felt my eyes burning i tried to blink them away but it wasn't working they made their way down my face i couldn't help it. i just grabbed her for a tight hug and cried into her shoulder. no matter what i done my eyes wouldn't stop. i pulled out of the hug and her eyes were puffy and red i'm guessing so we're mine.
we walked back into the room and she was ready to tell everyone everything. i walked in and everyone must of saw we have been crying because they gave us disheartened looks. i walked up to george and just cried into his shoulder, ginny walked up to luna and did the same.

ginny pov
me and fred walked into the room with everyone i basically ran into luna and cried. i let go of luna and spoke,"guys we all need to talk.can everyone sit down please." everyone walked there way over to chairs. i had a lump in throat at this point. i said,"i-i" nothing came out i couldn't do it i don't know what i was thinking i can't do it. "fred can i talk to you please." we walked over to one bit of the room. he said," what do you need gin."
"i can't do it please can do it for me."
"do you really want it to come from me?"
"i can't do it every time i go to say something nothing comes out."
"fine i'll start the first but you have to finish the story."
"wait i don't want ellie to hear this."
"remus can you come here please." fred called over to them.
remus walked over he asked,"what do you both need?"
"i was wondering if you or someone could do something with ellie i dont want to here what i'm going to say please."
"who did you want to get her out and stay with her."
"i don't mind just i don't want here to hear anything i was going to say."
"ok dear i'll ask sirius what i should do."
he walked away and talked to sirius then he walked out with ellie in his arms whilst giving me a sympathetic look as the doors shut behind him.
me and fred made our way back over to the table. i felt uncomfortable with everyone looking at me,i nodded at fred and he nodded back.
"i'm going to start talking so it make it easier. ginny went through a lot in the last year she has done a lot for this family. she has just been struggling a lot, when the duel went down at the burrow she thought luna passed away. she ran into the fire to save mum but then it hit her to also get the christmas present luna gave her to hold onto it. she had some much happening before." explained fred everyone had glossy eyes. mum was crying a lot, there were tears rolling down her face, dropping onto the table.
"so i got really low and saw no way to get out of it, i thought of running far away. i hope i could run of the world someday. nobody knew. i regret no trying to get help but i haven't done it in 2 weeks. i realised how much in life i'm missing it if i was doing that so i tried to stop and i'm 2 weeks strong. i also want to say i'm so sorr-" i said
"no dear don't you dare apologise we should have noticed. we all love you and we will support you through everything just please try and talk about it." mum said. i was crying even more at this point, i just needed sleep but i felt like everyone wanted me to stay.
we spoke for another hour or so. i whispered,"hey baby, i'm going to bed, care to join me."
she nodded we quickly said our goodbyes and walked to her dorm so we could be alone.

i don't know what to write next so i'm asking for suggestions on what to do next. please help me please.

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