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Luna POV
What had she done she had just gone and kissed her best friend. She didn't know how she would do. She felt her kiss back she knew that she liked her. This was the best feeling in the world and she couldn't help but get butterflies in her stomach. She broke this kiss for some air and asked her the question she had wanted to ask her for a while now. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Asked Luna. Ginny looked at her surprised. "Oh, yes ,yes of course I will be your girlfriend!" This was the best moment of her life. For the rest of the journey they just talked about the new year and Ginny became more flustered as the minutes ticked by. They changed into their robes a with a few minutes to spare before their arrival at Hogwarts. They sat their engulfed in a silence that was not at all awkward and cold but loving and warm.

Ginny POV
When they arrived at Hogwarts Luna and Ginny had to part ways because of the sorting. Ginny watched as the first years stepped up and had the sorting hat placed on their heads. She remembered this day vividly and this was also the year that she was possessed by Voldemort. It isn't just hard that has to deal with him. Ginny broke from the haunting memories of that day and decided instead to look at her beautiful girlfriend. When the sorting hat had finished the students where allowed to go and talk to their friends in other houses. Of course Ginny went straight to Luna who was sat away from the other Ravenclaws. She kissed her quickly on the cheek and the food appeared. That had a Chinese looking food with chopsticks. Luna's face dropped and she started looking for something on the table. "What's wrong precious?" Asked Ginny her concern growing. "I can't use chopsticks!" Ginny felt like she had to snub her laughter. "It's fine I'll help you." Said Ginny. She scooted up closer to her girlfriend and  placed her hands on the back of Luna's. She sensed that she was nervous so gave her waist a reassuring squeeze. She placed her hands on top of hers again and proceeded to show her how to use the chopsticks

i hope you like it so far i try to do some more but i'm taking the weekends off

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