before the train

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ginny pov
it was a week later and we spoke about the owl already. it went quite smoothly luna told me everything about her mum and showed me the locket it was really beautiful.
we were in my room and she had already packed for the train home. i think she packed a while ago when she found out well i mean it gave it away when she came up with her bags about a week ago and she stayed in room since then. i think people are still giving her a hard time about being out because i've been getting it too. it doesn't really bother me but luna seems to be taking it hard.
we woke up on the morning of the train home. we walked down to the great hall with neville. all we spoke about was what we were doing the holidays. i found out the neville is actually coming to stay with us just after christmas day for the rest of the holidays so he can spend time with ron.

luna pov
we were sat in the great hall and i think everyone was excited about going home. when dumbledore said the train will be here and that we should start heading down, i grabbed hold of ginny's arm and ran straight to her room to get her stuff. we waited for neville who was quick as well and all went down to the train. we got on those carriages that the thestrals pull but i was the only one who could see it except harry and neville. 
we sat in the carriage it was me, ginny, neville, ron, blasie and hermione. i was so happy that i get to spend christmas with my one true love.
i really needed to speak to ginny though...

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