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Luna POV
she felt the movement in her joints return and she felt relieved as it was the middle of the night and she hadn't been able to get any sleep because of having to lie rigidly on the bed. She slowly shuffled around as to not wake Ginny. She had failed and she heard Ginny's voice say "you awake?" Luna replied with "never went sleep I was so uncomfortable because I couldn't move." Oh no she had spoken too loudly and she felt a soft pillow hit her head. "Some of us are trying to sleep!" Said hermione "get back to sleep love birds." Well that did it she threw the pillow back and kissed Ginny firmly on the lips she felt her kiss back and relaxed. Hermione groaned and shot a silencing charm at the curtains that surrounded Ginny's bed. "There now you can snog all you like!" Hermione slammed her head back on her pillow and went back to sleep.

Ginny PoV
She lay back down on the bed and tried to go back sleep. She felt Luna snuggle closer to her and she relaxed and let her snuggle as close as she wanted. She felt very relaxed as she fell to sleep with Luna at her side. She had never felt love like this before and she adored it. The next morning Ginny woke up first and felt instant love when she looked at Luna. When Luna woke up she looked around confused until she realised where she was. She kissed Luna's rosy red lips and whispered to her "good morning beautiful how did you sleep?" When she asked this Luna smiled and said "that's the best I've ever slept." She grinned and kissed her again. "We need to get you back to the common room before anybody notices that you've gone." Ginny whispered this into her ear.

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