your fine

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Ginny POV
I arrived back at the dorms a few minutes after I left the hospital. It had been nice spending a few hours with Luna. She's really sweet and kind. I really don't deserve her. I hear the portrait door open as I'm heading up to the girls dorm. I decide not to look back and just dismiss it as one of the horny 7th years going out and having a bang with a Slytherin. I'm nearly at the top of the stairs when I hear a faint scream. I again dismiss it as one of the paintings and head up to bed.

Luna POV
I rush out of the hospital wing when I know I should stay in there. I eventually find Neville crunched up on the floor in the fetal position. A smashed plant pot lying next to him. "Neville what happened." I asked him soothingly. "The-they found out!" He screamed and started to whimper. I thought I he was crying about the plant when I first arrived but now this is more serious. "Who found out what Neville." I asked him calmly. "M-my grandma, sh-she found out I was g-g-gay." He barely whispered the last part but I just about caught it. "Hey sh-sh-sh calm down it will be alright." I tried soothing him but it wasn't really any good. "You know what else she found out ," he was sitting up now and slamming his fist into the ground "she found out I'm polyamorous as well." He was starting to get up and walk away. I managed to get up before him and pull him into a big hug. "C'mon neville your stronger than this we'll get through this together." I tried my best using my words to comfort him. "No it's not going to be 'okay' Luna, you know what she said to me, she said 'I'm not raising a gay grandson and no less one who would have the audacity to date more than one man at once, why don't you just go jump of the tallest thing you can find then maybe you won't be such a disappointment in your next life , and you can forget about seeing you parents again' yeah she said that to her own grandson!!" By the time he was done he was shouting and the painting around us were crying. The nearest teacher who happened to be professor McGonagall. She came rushing towards us and put an arm around Neville and walked him to where I presume was her office. I could hear footsteps going down the corridor and then silence. The portrait was still weeping as I made my way back to the hospital ward.The next morning...

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