first date pt3

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Ginny POV
When we had finished our drinks we stepped back outside and into the cold. The temperature had increased a little but it was still quite cold. I decided that we should go buy some warm clothes. I pulled Luna along lightly by the hand and we entered the clothing shop. They had a fire on by the door so it was nice and cosy. Luna looked at me confused and then I just looked back at her and smiled. She then quickly ran around the shop that was like a maze and I found her at the hat section. She was holding a cute hat with bunny ears on it. It looked so adorable. Luna places it one her head and I nearly died of cuteness. How could one person be so freaking adorable. I turned away for a second and pulled my jumper around my face and tried to make my blush go down.

Luna POV
Ginny turned around and I could see the blush creeping up her neck. Okay then she's blushing now I'm blushing gosh darn it uuhhh.

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