hogwarts medical wing

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luna pov
we made our way from the manor straight to hogwarts medical wing. i was stood there for a moment just looking at everyone but everything was still a little fuzzy. i felt like throwing up, i bet i looked really rough but its kinda slightly understandable from what's happened. i saw a ginger haired girl sat on the bed in one corner, i don't think i ran quicker to mrs weasley to ask if i can see her. she said,"yes dear but you should know she doesn't have much chance to live." it looks like she has been crying for ages but i can obviously understand why. i walked into the area surrounded by curtains, i entered and it felt like heart has just been ripped to shreds i just felt tears pouring out of my face. this is all my fault if i would of stayed inside instead of outside it would be all ok. i really wanted to say something but i just didn't know. i couldn't stop crying, i just need to say something. "h-hey i know you c-can hear me please i-i'm begging you to reply." i was gripping on to her hand just hoping she will wake. i carried on saying,"p-please wake. remember the time when i was the person s-sat in the bed across the room b-because i was cursed and i sent you a l-letter saying i was ok and you ran up here with my favorite food with my one true l-love. i need you d-darling please i'm begging." it felt like i couldn't breathe it was just getting harder and harder. at the point i was speaking loudly," p-please come back. i love you so much too go please stay please." mrs weasleys rushed in to see what was happening but all i needed was a hug from ginny but i couldn't. mrs weasleys said," hello dear why don't we go get some tea so madam pomfrey can do some checks." i nodded i felt so bad for leaving but she wasn't going to get any better if i don't let madam pomfrey do her checks. i stood and kissed her on the forehead, i headed out with mrs weasley too go see the others before we walked over she just gave me a big hug one that i sorta needed. we walked out i spoke to everyone for a while but i started to go light headed like i did in the dungeons. i heard a noise coming from bed next to me i realised it was ellie, she shot up screaming she must of had a nightmare because i know that type of scream when i hear one. i said,"hey petite étoile what happened."
she replied," i had a nightmare about how the house burnt down but everyone was inside except for me and i lost you all."
"oh my petite étoile it's ok we are all here and the fire is all gone now."
"oh auntie luna i'm so happy your back." she ran up to me and hugged me around my thighs because i was to weak to lift her at the moment, i wrapped my hands around her still. i said," hey petite étoile i don't feel too good can we hug later." after i said that she backed away and i just collapsed. i could still hear voices but everything was white. it sounded like everyone was panicking over me. i couldn't here anymore.
inside lunas head
i was back in the room with the diary but this time it was a different one. i flicked through it for ages in and found a healing charm that is effective but this charm isn't known to other wizards and witches. what if people call me a freak because i performed a spell that isn't known to others but it will save my love my one true love. i went to see if anyone was in the house but this time it was a couple i didn't know . i think it's weird how there visiting me but i spoke anyway. i said," hello can you help me."
the women said,"of course hunny what is it you need."
"in the world where i'm from i keep getting this visions last time i was in malfoy manor and i was just about to get tortured by bellatrix. i came here last time and found my mother here."
the man spoke this time," what bellatrix and the malfoys are still alive i thought they died when voldemort killed us. i'm sorry to here about the torturing and about you mother."
"thank you, wait i know you to you both look like parts of harry are you his parents."
the women spoke," yes we are were lily and james potter, harry's parents."
james said," how is harry you have to tell us everything and plus more about you and what's happening."
i told them everything and caught them up with what happened each year. then i caught them up on ginny and my grandfather also about sirius and remus.
lily said," oh merlins beard i'm sorry to hear that. i think your here because you have a reason or your in need of help at needed times. you are a very powerful witch luna. i know you know a spell that can bring ginny back do it. it will work."
"thank you for all your help i owe you a lot. is there anything you wish to tell to harry or sirius or remus or anyone."
"can you tell harry we miss and love him so very much. can you tell sirius and remus that i am so happy for there relationship also say that to sirius that i knew from year one they would end up together and the same thing to remus from lily. also can you tell the weasleys that we're so great full for everything they have done for harry and we owe them the world also tell professor mcgonagall that we are are missing her loads from two of the maurders she'll know what it means. also professor dumbledore that we thank him everything he's done for harry as well." said james.
"also hunny can you try and take these photos back but don't worry if not dear." lily said
"of course i will do and try all of that."
i thought how am i going to get out that's when...
out of luna head
...i shot up. i heard ron scream because i made him jump which made the twins make fun of him. sirius was sat in the chair next to my bed with ellie on his lap. remus said," are you ok you gave us quiet a fright." i sat there getting my head around things i moved my hand a felt something. i guessed it was the photo. i replied with,"yes thanks. umm is it ok if i speak with harry and sirius alone in another room please."
they all nodded and we walked away. harry said,"hey luna .are you ok? what did you need to talk about." i was hesitant to say in case the thought i was crazy.
i replied with," your going to think i'm crazy but when i keep passing out i'm going somewhere. i speak to people who have passed away. when i was in malfoy manor and i passed out i saw my mum and we spoke for ages until it started flashing and she was in front of me dead. i think it's because we had to long together." i felt my eyes burning a bit with water in my eyes. sirius said,"i'm sorry luna. who did you see this time or was it still you mum?"
i was still a little weary to say anything. i carried on saying,"this is going to sound more crazy and either of you can leave or tell me to stop at any time. i saw lily and james potter, we talked for ages they asked so many questions about the both of you plus remus. they said some things, i told them everything from each year from when i knew you both. they told me to tell you harry that they miss you and love you very much. they said something about you sirius but i want remus to here it as well." he nodded and walked out. harry didn't have any words yet he just looked at the floor confused. sirius walked back in with remus. remus said,"what's happened are you both ok." sirius briefly caught him up, harry still couldn't process it. i continued saying,"lily and james also said about you two is that they are so happy for you relationship and they miss you both so much, they both said to tell you that you would end up together since year one but the wanted to say it to different people from different people." they will still shocked.
sirius said,"james." and in sync remus said,"lily."
harry finally said something,"how do we know this happened and it wasn't a dream of some sorts." i was slightly confused but it was understandable.
i explained," they told me to bring back some photos i believe these are them." i moved my hand and looked at the photos i gave one to harry which was him,lily and james from when harry was a baby and i gave the other to sirius and remus this one was a photo of them with lily and james in year 7 at school. all three of them got emotional.
"i'm going to leave you three to understand all of this and i'm going to see ginny."
i walked away whilst they were sat there emotional.

i walked out and dumbledore was stood there i walked over to him and said,"sir, sorry to bother you but can you come with me it's slightly important and i need to talk to you after."
he nodded in agreement and followed me to ginny's part everyone was stood around. i was scared to try this spell but i had to for her. i went over to her, i quietly said to everyone,"ive got a spell to make her better and you all have to trust me on this one." at this point everyone was looking at the like i've gone insane but before anything happened harry, remus and sirius was now here to see it. george said," luna we have been told that nothing can help her condition." i was slightly annoyed.
i replied,"just trust me on this."
percy said,"it's impossible."
i explained," just trust me i think it can work ."
i think everyone was getting concerned at me i just felt stares on me and ginny. i said the spell quite loudly and ginny shot up breathing heavily in a state of panic. everyone looked at me as if they just saw a ghost. fred spoke," how?"
i was speechless i couldn't believe i done it either. even dumbledore looked impressed.

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