christmas day

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ginny pov
it was about 7 o'clock in the morning when ron woke everyone up by putting a prank in each room the make a really high pitched noise. except for mum and dads because they are probably already up getting everything ready. plus it was a tradition of when was younger that they alway woke up at 5:30 in the morning. we all walked down stairs but luna was as pale as a ghost she had small tear marks down her cheeks but you could only see close up. we all sat down i sat next to luna to ask her what's wrong but she said she will tell me later. me and luna decided that we would give each other our presents later because we were scared that anyone would catch on. mum knitted me a scarf and luna some gloves. luna then ran upstairs to go get a present for mum and dad and a larger present for all the children. she got us all a box of pranks and sweets and mum and dad some noise cancelling ear plugs and some things up put into a warm/hot drink that stop physical pranks like changing vision from happening. everyone thanked her.
everyone went their separate ways to go get changed and have showers in you wish. each room has a shower to the side but no toilet. i dragged luna into the shower but of our room and we locked the door. we got in the shower and you probably knows where it goes from there.
we walked out all dressed and with wet hair. george walked up to us and asked "was the shower fun?" we both walked away giggling but red. it was around 1:30pm when sirius, lupin and ellie their daughter who is only 3. she is the sweetest thing ever but of course after luna. she ran up to me and jumped straight into my arms. ellie asked," aunt ginny who is that?" she pointed at the girl with the most beautiful face and the brightest hair. "that's my best friend luna." i replied. luna walked up to me and said," i'm going back to where i was before to speak to mum if thats ok." she said looking into my eyes looking as it she was going to cry. "of course just let me know if you need anything." she walked out when sirius as mum came up to me and asked where she was going i told them where she was going. she was their for half an hour when ellie ran out but we didn't notice.

luna pov
i said hello to everyone but i didn't feel right. so i walked up to ginny and said "i'm going back to where i was before to speak to mum if that's ok." ginny replied with "of course just let me know if you need anything." i walked out. i was there for about half and hour when the sweetest 3 year old came running out. she ran over to me as fast as her little legs could carry her. it looks like no one noticed. she was asking me questions. she asked, "are you ok?" she smiled and tilted her head. "i replied with yes petite étoile." of course she asked what that meant, it meant little star in french. she absolutely loved it when i called her that. it finally came round to the question "why are you crying and talking to the sky?" she asked with curiosity coursing through her. i gave a little smile and replied with "i lost some very special to me and i believe that she lives up there now in the clouds. i used to be her petite étoile." she sat on my lap and gave me a big hug it was so nice just to feel her little hands hugging me. we sat there for a little longer when she was slowly drifting off to sleep so i stood up and carried her back inside. professor lupin thanked me for some reason then he explained that it was hard to get her down for a nap the amount of sugar sirius gives her i chuckled to that. sirius took her off me and but her into a bed upstairs.
about 2 hours later dinner was almost ready and i heard the little noise of feet coming down the stairs. we were all sat and the table when she ran over to remus (he insisted that i call him that) and said excitedly "daddy, daddy can i sit next to auntie ginny and auntie luna." my heart melted when she called me that. he replied,"only if you eat your vegetables if not you have to come sit by me again."
she ran over it was quite at that point when i spoke up and said," hello petite étoile." everyone looked at me confused so i explained "it means little star in french my mother used to teach it to me." all the replied with was a awh or that is sweet.

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