please wake up

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Luna POV
I could hear Ginny. I need to wake up. For her.

Ginny POV
"Come on Luna you need to wake up." I had been sitting on the edge of her bed for the whole night. I had watched the sun rise and the subtle orange tint of the sky. I watched the sun set and the sky turn to a beautiful deep dark blue and be coated in stars.It was so selfish of me that I wanted her to wake up so soon but I just missed her light misty voice and her silver-blue-grey eyes that shone so bright when she laughed."Luna if you can hear me just give me a sign that you can," I pleaded with her "please Luna I miss you so much, we all miss you so much." I was clutching her hand and close to crying at this point.

Luna POV
I can hear you yes I can hear you Ginny. I just can't say it. My eyelids are to heavy and my mouth feels like it has been glued together. I did what I could. I squeezed her hand lightly because I was so drained of energy.

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