Thirty; Grinning Like A Devil

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"What a charming little homestead. Do you feel that? Is anybody here?"

Elena walked in as she smiled and looked around. Stefan narrowed his eyes again and looked around as he pursed his lips.

"It's been vacant for decades. People must break in all the time. Why'd you bring me here?"

"Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood...I never could figure out why you wanted his name. And then you told me your little secret. It was all part of your special little ritual"

Elena said as she looked around and smiled. Tabitha, who was hiding in the closet was trying to understand who was talking then the idea surrounded her mind, Elena Mikaelson.

"To write it down"

"And relive the kill...over and over again"

Klaus opened the hidden door and looked at shocked Stefan with a serious expression. He was not really in mood for flashbacks, at least not anymore.

"You believe me now?"

Klaus said and Stefan entered the closet to see the list. He turned his head and was surprised to see Tabitha. She looked at him, with hope as Stefan was standing emotionless looking at her. Klaus walked back into the apartment with Elena.

"Look what I found"

Stefan looked at Elena, leaving Tabitha terrified and disappointed but Stefan took a bottle and gave it to Klaus. She was relieved and smiling with hope again. Maybe he was fine after all.

"1918. Single malt"

Stefan stood in the doorway of the secret room, avoiding Klaus to see Tabitha. Klaus smirked and Elena smiled.

"My favorite. Let's go and find someone to pair it with"

Stefan closed the closet and the three of them walked away. Tabitha let out a shaky little breath and looked around, there were dozens of names and they were all Stefan's victims.

Elena, Klaus and Stefan entered at the bar and Gloria gave them three beers. Elena refused and Stefan's suspicions confirmed as Klaus rose his eyebrows.

"I am not in mood for drinking"

Gloria nodded and gave the beers the the boys as she looked Klaus, who seemed in more cheery than his last visit to her bar.

"Where's Rebekah?"

"She'll be here. I can't just conjure her on demand"

Klaus replied as he took a drink and looked at Stefan who was pondering on Elena's hidden pregnancy and his hidden past.

"What's with you? I thought Chicago was your playground"

"So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people?"

"Well, that's certainly half of it"

"What's the other half?"

Klaus started pouring alcohol into two shot glasses after asking Elena for one and having a negative answer. She was craving for blood, not the alcohol serving in bars.

"The other half, Stefan, is that you used to want to be my wingman"

He slid one of the shot glasses to Stefan along the counter and it brought the nostalgia back. The nights in Chicago, talks about kingdom of Klaus' and their lovers. Klaus raised his glass and looked at Stefan who clinked their glasses.

"To friendship"

"So I'm confused. If we were such great friends, then why do I only know you two as the psychotic hybrid couple who sacrificed my girlfriend on an altar of fire? Huh?"

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