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When Yin Xu Dong was playing with his phone, he suddenly felt a ball of something hurtling in his direction. He immediately shot up and turned to dodge the item sent his way, but hissed in pain however when his head slammed into the bed board of the upper bunk as he got up. A hand cupping his smarting head, he turned to the door in rage. The anger however shortly evolved into elation.

"Xuan Xuan!"

"Enh, your reaction's not bad." Zhuo Xiao Xuan lifted the luggage in and placed it under the bunkbed. 

Yin Xu Dong sat cross-legged on the bunkbed, all smiles, and he patted the space beside him in a gesture for Zhuo Xiao Xuan to sit down. "What a coincidence! You're reporting to school today as well?! That's awesome! Oh, right, what's your mobile number? Hurry tell!"

Zhuo Xiao Xuan sat down on Yin Xu Dong's bed, and Yin Xu Dong immediately stretched to circle her into his embrace, beamingly widely. She grabbed his hand and give it a pinch. "Behave yourself, don't paw me."

Yin Xu Dong released his hold howling in pain, before saying, very wronged: "It's been two months since we last saw each other, but you throw something at me the minute we do see each other, and even pinch my hand!"

Zhuo Xiao Xuan rolled her eyes. She didn't even put in much force into that pinch okay? She removed her shoes, gripped the edge of the upper deck before flipping onto the bunkbed on top.

Yin Xu Dong quickly stood and climbed onto Zhuo Xiao Xuan's bed, asking in concern: "What's wrong?"

"I'm tired, let's talk after I sleep." At that, Zhuo Xiao Xuan closed her eyes, ready to sleep. Her life for the past two months hadn't been as lively as Yin Xu Dong's; all she'd done from morning to night was to train, and it was at an intensity several multiple times of the training back when she was an SF. On top of that, she'd rushed over from her training centre via train! All her training regimes, complete with live-ammo and everything, were Zhuo lao ye'zi's arrangement, so her mental alertness had been taut throughout; the slightest lowering of guards would result in her eating a bullet. After over two months worth of such training, even someone as doughty as her could no longer stand it.

Yin Xu Dong stared at her dark eye circles and figured that she must have been extremely busy during the two weeks. Heart aching for her, he tucked her blankets for her. "Then rest well, I'll wake you later when it's time for dinner." After that, he laid on her bed to play with his phone.

Even though she was very tired, Zhuo Xiao Xuan'd still got her basic alertness in place. Hence when someone neared her bed, she woke up. After distinguishing the presence as Yin Xu Dong's, she relaxed her muscles that had tightened on reflex. When she heard a clicking sound however, she slowly opened her eyes: "What are you doing?"

When Yin Xu Dong saw that Zhuo Xiao Xuan had awoken, he immediately kept his phone, smiling as though in concealment before saying: "No, nothing. Are you hungry? Let's get something to eat then."

"Hand your phone over."

Yin Xu Dong pursed his lips and mutter to himself in a show of reluctance before handing over the phone to Zhuo Xiao Xuan, drawling. When Zhuo Xiao Xuan took the phone and looked at the screen, the image she saw on the screen was a picture of her quiet appearance of herself asleep. Yin Xu Dong however quickly reached over to snatch his phone away when she wanted to give it a few more looks.

"Cough cough, I only took a single picture, really! I promise I only took one! You can't delete this!" Yin Xu Dong stuffed his phone into his pocket and looked at Zhuo Xiao Xuan anxiously.

Zhuo Xiao Xuan flipped down from the bunkbed. "I didn't say you need to delete it. I'm hungry, let's get something to eat." 

"Okay, buy an extra set for me when you're in the canteen."

I Am A Killerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें