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TL: AmeryEdge

ED: Azusky, LtBeefy, JSmith

"Huh?" Yin Xudong thought that he had heard wrongly and picked his ears to make sure.

"Me, hungry." Qin Xuan spoke with a deadpan expression, "give me... something to eat."

She had not eaten since she woke up in the sterile white room the morning prior, where all the injured patients resided. To be honest, the previous her could easily go two or three days without food, as long as she had some water. However, her current body was simply too weak; if she didn't eat anything, she would definitely collapse.

Yin Xudong looked like he had turned insane. He yelled, "What does your hunger have to do with me? You even want to order me around?" When he finished yelling, he immediately felt some regret. Did he provoke her enough to make her throw another knife?

Qin Xuan did not act as he anticipated. Instead, she gave him a brief look before heading back to her room. Seeing her uneven steps, Xudong couldn't help but speak out, "Hey, no matter what, you should at least use the walking stick. Is harming yourself that pleasurable?"

Qin Xuan slammed the door in reply.

Xudong's face looked like he was constipated. He indignantly slammed his own door shut and returned to his room.

Qin Xuan carefully observed the house filled with strange objects. She still instinctively followed the teachings that had been drilled into her, which was to speak little and analyze her surroundings when put into an unfamiliar situation.

Qin Xuan walked down the stairs and went towards a big room. All she saw was a mess, as if a burglar had ransacked the place.

She was not one bit surprised. Ever since she woke up yesterday morning, she had heard continuous noises of objects being flung, thrown, and dropped. She even heard the crying and cursing of the middle-aged woman who called herself her "mother".

Standing there, Qin Xuan sniffed the air. She could not detect a hint of firewood and this left her baffled. She could only walk over to the large chair that was covered with fabric and nudge the woman currently lying on it.

The woman slowly opened her eyes. When she saw that it was only Qin Xuan, she once again closed her eyes. While Qin Xuan was debating whether or not she should slit the woman's throat, the woman suddenly asked, "What?"

"Food." Qin Xuan simply stated her objective in as few words as possible.

The woman pointed to a certain direction, "Go and find something to eat from the fridge." She then irritably waved Qin Xuan away.

Qin Xuan carefully tip-toed her way across the pile of shattered items on the floor and headed towards the kitchen. There, she began her search for the "fridge".

After rummaging around blindly for some time, she stumbled into a large box that contained a lot of food. Opening it, she felt a rush of cold air, but no matter how much she looked, there were no ice blocks.

The vegetables and the meat inside the fridge were still fresh. Qin Xuan looked around the kitchen which had turned into a mess not unlike the one in the large living room. She casually cracked an egg and plopped it into her mouth. Without even frowning she swallowed it whole, then proceeded to crack open some more. In total, she ate half a dozen eggs.

Wen Meixia massaged her forehead as she came into the kitchen. What greeted her was a mess, with Qin Xuan standing there next to a pile of broken eggshells, her mouth suspiciously sticky. She hesitantly asked, "Did you eat raw chicken eggs?"

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