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The darkness of the night had just descended. Lots of people were crowded outside the city's Black White Concert Hall; they were all fans that had come in advance for the concert. Everyone was an excited expression on his or her faces. Some of them had even held Shao Ji Boys (SJBoys)'s posters. There were still three hours left before the concert started yet they were already outside waiting for their idols. 

Qin Ke Xuan sat in a vehicle parked a distance from the crowd of people. As she heard the team leader explaining the details of this operation and all the various things to note, she looked at the anticipating fans, puzzled. They were just two actors of lowly and petty status, why were they granted such respectable treatment?

"Did you memorise all the stuff I've said?" The team leader, the young man who had leader the way for her and Wu Lieutenant Colonel, Xu Tian Xian finished his talking.


"Then good, we will now officially enter a state of alertness." Xu Tian Xian pressed a button on the inside of his shirt and adjusted the intercom he had stuffed in his ear. "Condor* Team A, start operation!"

* 秃鹰 = tu ying; bald eagle/condor

"Roger!" Five voices, including Qin Ke Xuan's, sounded in the intercom simultaneously.

"Xu Li Mei, report your current position, over." Xu Ti Xian as the Xu Tian Mei who was responsible for playing the role of a fan that had mixed into the crowd of people.

The codename of every member in the MI6 was their second identity, and all had the surname Xu. The five members in Condor Team A were the team leader Xu Tian Xian, team members, Xu Le Le who was Qin Ke Xuan, Xu Tian Mei, Xu Qiang and Xu Wu. In the operation this time, Xu Mei Li was responsible for fixing on a tapping device, Xu Qiang was responsible for monitoring the target's movements while the other three were responsible for retrieving the classified information.

"I am already standing by the railings. Once they appear, I can move over immediately. Over."

"Okay, take note not to be the first one to rush over to avoid being seen as suspicious by them. Over."

"Received. Over." 

"Xu Qiang, report your monitoring situation. Over."

"They are still in the hotel. No strange movements. Over."

"Okay, continue monitoring. Over."

"Received. Over."

As time passed slowly, Qin Ke Xuan sat in the vehicle leisurely and closed her eyes to rest her mind. All sorts of the team's instructions and reportings sounded in her ears. Her time to perform was some time in the later half of the night. She would only move when the targets had ended their performance.

Suddenly, crazy screamings sounded from outside the vehicle, and Qin Ke Xuan opened her eyes to look out. A car that was heavily surrounded halted. The car doors suddenly opened and out walked two guys wearing glinting bright clothes—they were their targets tonight. 

They smiled as they waved at the fans that were crazily screaming, and then under the protection of a group of bodyguards, they walked down the little way the guards holding back the fans made out, ready to enter the Concert Hall.

However, the fans that had waited for three hours weren't waiting for nothing. They excitedly pushed and jostled against the guards, wanting to get past the blockade and go nearer their idols even for a little bit. The Xu Mei Li who was acting as a fan was screaming along with the other fans. While the guard before her was so busy he was not looking at her, her elbow slammed into his abdomen. The guard pressed against his stomach in pain on reflex and his hands that had been open to block the fans was suddenly retracted. Xu Mei Li quickly pushed a fan on her side out the hole made. The fan that had been pushed into the blocked out path was still a little stumped, but she quickly reacted and dashed towards the idols excitedly.

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