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TL: AmeryEdge
ED: Azusky, LtBeefy, JSmith

Qin Xuan brought with her a large school bag as she stood among the sea of people in front of the school gate. Looking up, she saw large words shining in golden colors "B City Secondary School".

Qin Shuhua reached out and patted Qin Xuan's shoulders, then he lifted her schoolbag up, "I'll bring you to the dorm first. I have already spoken to your home room teacher, you have permission to come to class late."

The moment she walked through the dorm's door after following Qin Shuhua, she immediately felt troubled. Just a single room, but there were eight beds. This meant that she will have to live with other people, and furthermore it was seven of them.

Qin Shuhua found Qin Xuan's bed and put her backpack onto it. As he was about to call her over to organise her space, he saw her turning around, and leaving. He quickly chased after her, "Qin Qin, are you heading to class? Why didn't you bring your textbooks?"

"I'm not going to school anymore." School originally did not hold much meaning to her. Even though she was no princess in her previous life, being an assassin already required her to learn how to read, and there was no point wasting her time at school now.

Qin Shuhua became anxious when he heard her say this. He pulled on her arms as he pleaded, "Now that you have entered high school, why would you quit? How about this, if you don't like studying, daddy will not force you study well, but you must at least graduate. You have not yet matured, if you don't go to school then what will you do?"

Qin Xuan wanted to answer with marriage as a solution, but she was worried that he would actually marry her off. But no matter what, she could not live here. Assassins cannot live in groups.

"If I don't have to live here, then I will go to school."

Qin Shuhua sighed in relief, "If you didn't want to live in a dorm you should have just told me. From now on don't just casually say you will quit school, okay?"

Qin Xuan did not say anything else.

Qin Shuhua reluctantly spoke, "Daddy will go and talk to your teacher about cancelling your dormitory contract. You should go ahead to class, daddy will bring all your stuff home."

Qin Xuan took the backpack Qin Shuhua gave her and walked right out of the dorm building. She looked left and right, and started walking to the building with the large "School Building" sign.

As soon as she got close, she saw two women (Author: Please forgive Qin Xuan calling highschool girls women, in her eyes females of marrying age can no longer be considered young girls.) running towards her. The person running in front wore a bright smile, but the girl following behind had a forced expression.

"Xuan!" Just as the person running in front planned to jump at Qin Xuan to give her a hug, Qin Xuan had already quickly avoided her.

The person behind smiled mockingly, "Oh? Just a few days of not seeing each other and yet you already developed such an attitude? Zhoujing, your good little sis refused your good will just now."

Zhoujing bit her lips and scolded, "Ding Jieyun, shut your mouth!" Following that, she blinked her large teary eyes and pitifully glanced at Qin Xuan, "Xuan~"

Qin Xuan was completely unaffected and calmly replied, "Let's go to class."

Ding Jieyun grunted and turned around to leave. Qin Xuan followed her, causing the dissatisfied Zhoujing to also follow behind. She wanted to pull on her arm, but she was afraid that she would be avoided again. Her face was flustered, it seemed like Qin Xuan really did became mad at her for not visiting her!

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