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Yin Xu Dong who had respectfully abided by his Shi Fu's commands and accepted his fate as a babysitter, however, upon finding the little brat in the living room, saw him nested in the sofa, sobbing spasmodically.

Ho, his Shi Fu had even starved the little brat till he cried?

He walked up to the little brat, "Oi, little step-bro, you starving? Gimme a minute, your step-sis especially instructed me to come over and make you some food, so don't cry."

Qin Peng Cheng, having suddenly heard an unfamiliar male voice, raised his head. He recognised that person, he was the ge ge next door.

(T/N: "哥哥"= ge ge; older brother)

Though he was young, the little boy's ego was particularly strong. And so, having been suddenly seen crying, he was immediately flustered, and wiped away the tears on his cheeks with the back of his hands, "How did you come in?" He remembered the front door was locked.

"Me? I came in from your step-sis's balcony. Bring me to your kitchen, and let's see what's there is to eat. I'll make some for the both of you." After becoming an errand boy, then downgraded to a pet keeper, and once again downgraded to a chef, Yin Xu Dong's immunity had already been trained to a level akin to that of a black belt holder.

Qin Peng Cheng pouted: "Why are you making it? Where's that women?"

Yin Xu Dong knocked his head, speaking sternly: "What 'where's that women'! Don't you know how to address her as jie jie?" That was his Shi Fu, how could he allow others to bluster her name.

(T/N: "姐姐" = Jie Jie; older sister)

Qin Peng Cheng dodged his hand. Hugging his own head, he argued: "You're speaking up for that women, you're actually her accomplice right?! You guys are actually bunching up together to bully me right?! Y'all are all bad people! Jerks!"

Yin Xu Dong rolled his eyes speechlessly. This brat sure had his facts all over the place while wanting to benefit from others! He should've just starved him! However, if he were to return empty-handed, Qin Ke Xuan's dagger eyes, or maybe real daggers, would definitely laser him to death. In the end, he gave up overthinking and just went into the kitchen to make some food.

Qin Ke Xuan however sure had ways to make things difficult for him! Other than making instant noodles, he did not know how to cook!

After hunting all over the place, he could only find noodles from the bunch of unprocessed food. Forget it, noodles and instant noodles were both noodles, they should work the same way right.

Only after fiddling in the kitchen for the longest of time did Yin Xu Dong produce a pot of noodles. He scooped a bowl for the little brat and scooped a bowl for himself. This was his first time cooking, he had to get a taste of it no matter what. After taking a bite though, he could not find it in himself to swallow down a second one. As for the little brat, who by the way had not given him any face, he'd long ran off to the toilet to vomit it out.

"Where is he?" Qin Ke Xuan entered the kitchen, took a set of utensils from the cupboard and scooped a bowl of noodles for herself, then sat herself down, ready to eat. At seeing that, Yin Xu Dong, worried for that his Shi Fu would suddenly decide to expel her disciple, quickly reached out and pressed her chopsticks down. God forbid if she were to expel him over a pot of poorly cooked noodles! "This, can you not eat it?"


"This, that..." Yin Xu Dong minced his words, reluctant to speak.

Qin Ke Xuan was impatient, "Cut your nonsense, if you don't want to die, move your hands."

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