chapter 35

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Peter's POV

The next morning we were woken up by Happy bursting into my room, "WAKE UP, LOVEBIRDS!!" he yelled but right after I heard the door closing "Y/N, what time is it?" I asked, "nothing, go back to sleep now." Y/N replied from next to me.

***time skip to that afternoon***

We were awake from some hours, now. We had trained with Dad and Steve, and I was very hungry so I went to eat a snack in the kitchen and when I went into the living room I found Mrs. Stark, Wanda and Natasha reading, since Y/N was in the shower I sat with them to wait. After something like 30 minutes, we were all the living room, and suddenly I heard some footsteps from the corridor and as the steps sounded to come forward Y/N came out of the corridor, the others raised their head from what they were doing and looked at her then Y/N said "I'm going back in England, the trio found something." me, Mr. Stark, Mrs. Stark, Steve and Nat opened their mouth like they were about to say something but Y/N continued "before you try to say something to stop me, I'll be back in less than an hour." so we nodded and her last words like always were "see you later, Mr. Loverman. I love you." "See you later, my witch. I love you." and then she apparated away. as she apparated away, I waved at the others and said "I'm going to have a shower, see you later." and all of them waved me, so I went in the bathroom and had a shower. After the shower I went in my and Y/N's room to change, changed into a comfy outfit, took a book from the library and returned in the living room to wait for Y/N along with the others. As Y/N apparated with a *crack* me and the others Avengers looked up from what we were doing and looked at her "so... how were they?" we all asked in unison after some seconds of awkward silence, "they were good, they found another Horcrux." she replied and we look at one another confused, so I asked "what's a Horcrux?" Y/N raised her gaze to look at us and then explained "A Horcrux is an object in which a person has concealed part of their soul. One splits one's soul and hides part of it in an object. By doing so, you are protected should you be attacked and your body destroyed. That part of your soul that was hidden, lives on. In other words, you cannot die. To split your soul you have to kill someone. Killing rips the soul apart. It is a violation against nature. After, one is never the same. And Voldemort split his soul in 7 parts, we found 4 of them if I'm not wrong." And after her explaining Mr. Stark said "alright, after this wonderful lesson I think it's late enough to have dinner." And then we all moved in the dining room, where Mrs. Stark was taking out the main plate and setting the table, "hey, Y/N!! I didn't heard that you were back." she said as she saw Y/N, "hey, Mom! Yeah I went to see what the trio found, and now I'm here. What's for dinner?" she replied sitting between me and Thor, "well, for dinner we'll have HAMBURGERS!!" Mrs. Stark replied looking at all of us, I exchanged a couple of looks with the others and noticed that they all had a hungry sparkle in their eyes, it was hilarious that we could argue until the second before but the food was always a common point that could make us make peace in a minute. We finished eating and after helping Mrs. Stark to tidy up the kitchen we went into the living room to watch a movie, "so, the selection is lowered to 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' the new one, or 'Bumblebee' from Transformers or 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge' the 2020's one (we're in 2022 in this story!)" said Bruce who had the list of the movie, "who votes for 'Star Wars' please raise your hand." I said raising my hand, along with Bruce and Thor, "who votes for 'Bumblebee' raise your hand." Y/N said raising her hand along with Loki, Mrs. Stark, Natasha, Wanda and Vision, then Mr. Stark asked "who's for 'Pirates of the Caribbean'?" then him, Clint and Steve raised their hand but the majority voted for 'Bumblebee' so we watched that. Me and Y/N were on the second couch hugging with a blanket on us, Mr. and Mrs. Stark were on the couch in front of us hugging and with a blanket too; and the others were scattered either on the floor or on the other sofas. When the movie finished we were all crying, I mean all of us, Loki included, but anyways we went to bed right away. The next morning I asked Y/N what happened in London so she explained what happened "I apparated on the entrance "hey Harry- what the hell are you doing to Kreacher?" I said as I saw that Harry was picking up Kreacher from his ear "Ms. Stark!! These Mudbloods were treating Kreacher bad." the creature said while struggling, Harry ignored both of us and as Harry placed Kreacher on the floor he yelled to him "BEEN SPYING ON US, HAVE YOU?" I stood in front of him and Kreacher then kneeled in front of him and asked gently "Kreacher, what I told you? Overhearing is wrong and they're not Mudbloods no one is. What were you doing?" "Kreacher has been... watching. Kreacher always watches." the creature replied, and Hermione from behind the scene said "Harry. Maybe he knows." They looked in their eyes, then Harry took a locket from the table and dangled it before Kreacher's eyes, and he watched it swung back and forth. "Ever seen this before?" Harry asked "Kreacher, I own this place. Sirius left it to me. Which means I own you too." Harry continued but I stopped him "tell me Kreacher, have you ever seen it? There's only me and you." I said taking the locket from Harry's hands, Kreacher looked before at Harry and then at me and after some seconds he said "That was Master Regulus' locket." "That's right." Harry replied "But there were two, weren't there?" asked Ron, Kreacher eyes went wide and then I asked "Where's the other one?" Kreacher looked at me and said "Kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is." "But was it here? Did you ever see it?" asked Hermione, Kreacher spin his ugly face and yelled "Filthy Mudblood!! The Death Eaters will soon be coming for you!" so Ron snatched Kreacher by the neck and shook him. "Blood-traitor Weasley!!" started to yell Kreacher and me and Hermione started to yell in alternately "Ron! RON!" and "Kreacher! KREACHER!" reluctantly, Ron released the elf and that with the same attitude stopped yelling, Harry took this time to speak "Answer her." without hesitation Kreacher "Yes. It was here, in this house. A most evil object..." "How do you mean?" Harry continued, Kreacher looked at me and said "Before he died, Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to destroy it. It was the last thing he asked of Kreacher. But no matter how Kreacher tried, he could not.." this time it was me speaking "Where is it now? Did someone take it, Kreacher?" and surprisingly Kreacher replied nodding "He came in the night as I told you before. He took many things, including the locket." "Who, Kreacher? Who was it?" I asked in reply "Mundungus. Mundungus Fletcher." the elf said looking at the four of us, we glanced at one another then Harry turned to look at Kreacher in the eyes and he said "Go! Find him." then in a *crack* Kreacher vanished. "So? This was what you found out?" I asked as Kreacher apparated away "yeah..." began Harry "good, keep telling me everything you find out." I replied then waved to them and then apparated here, at home." she finished to say as we were tying our shoes "well, that's a lot to process but I think that the trio is on a good point." I said then kissed her and we went down stairs to have breakfast. We had breakfast and after it I waved to Y/N, Mr. Stark and Mrs. Stark and said "I have to go home, or May could be worried. See you at school, Y/N." and she replied "alright, say hi to her from me. See you Monday!" then we kissed and I left, I wore my mask and swung among New York to my house where I found May cooking her breakfast, I went in through my room's window and heard May saying "Peter is that you?" "yeah, aunt May, I'm home." I replied closing the window and taking off my mask, as May came into my room she asked "how was the wedding?" "it was good, I stayed at the Avengers Compound for a few days, after it." I replied placing my backpack on the floor near the bed. "I nearly forgot, Ned called like a half an hour ago. I told him that you would call him back as you were home. So... call him." May said after going into the kitchen and then back into my room, "alright, I'll call him, right away." I said and as she went out I called Ned,

"hey, Ned. How ya doin'?"

"Hey Peter. Good, thanks. And you? What have you done in this 2 months?"

"well, I've some things to tell you about. Could we, please, meet? I don't know... at the Corona Park?"

"alright, see you there in 20."

"alright, see ya."

Then he hanged up, I changed and then put some snacks in my backpack, then I waved at aunt May and got out of the house. I took the bus on the line Q30 and then the Q88 to the Corona (I know in this period is not the best but it a great park) as I got out of the bus I saw Ned waiting for me at the entrance of the park "hey Ned!!" "hey Pete!!" we said as we saw each other, and we did our handshake

"so... what did you wanted totell me?" Ned asked while we were looking for a quite spot to talk, "first, Maydiscovered my... uhm... my secret." I said, and when we found a spot without peopleI continued "the day after the prom, I went home and found my suit on the bed. SoI decided to try it and when I got back I didn't noticed, that May was comingso she saw me taking off my Spiderman's mask. And now she knows." "that'sawesome so now, no more lying!!!" he replied visibly happy, "there are otherthings?" he continued "yeah, I went to the wedding with Y/N, but the DeathEaters, the bad wizards, came and we had to go away." I replied "COOL!!!" hesaid but as I said that they tried to kill us he continued "I meant- not cool. Notcool at all!" and that was pretty much it, our talk didn't go further.

***time skip of 2 month***

Two months passed since the talk at the park, and now we were going to a trip with our class, when Y/N touched softly my arm saying "Peter what the f*ck is that?!" she indicated something in the sky and as I looked out the window I said to Ned "Ned...Ned... I need you to cause a distraction." as Ned turned and saw the spaceship he yelled "Holy shit! We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!" and all of our classmates went to the windows to see it, "ok Pete, you know what to do..." Y/N said from behind me, extending her hand to me, I took it and we apparated in Central Park.

A/N: enjoy this chapter in Peter's only POV before Infinity War, THANKS.


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