chapter 19

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Two days passed, and this morning I went in England because I received an owl from Harry saying that the things were getting worse, so I apparated in Dumbledore's office that is the only place where you can apparate in Hogwarts, "good evening, Ms. Stark. What brings you here?" said Professor Dumbledore "good evening, Professor. Well, Harry sent me a letter and I'm pretty worried. If you excuse me I'll go find him." I replied then went out of the office, once I got into the halls and got overwhelmed by a crowd of students from all houses, from Gryffindor to Slytherin. Someone ran into me and I heard the voice of Draco starting to say in a poisoned tone "watch where you go-" then saw that it was me and said with a more sweetest tone "oh. It's you. I thought you were out of this school, Stark." "well, here I am, Malfoy." I replied with the same tone, "now, if you excuse me, I have to find Potter and the other two." I continued then went in the Great Hall's way, as I entered in my muggle clothes everyone shushed and looked at me, I made my way to the Gryffindor table and I could hear whispers all around me but then I got called by 3 special people that yelled in unison "Y/N!!!" and I saw a tall red head come to me and hugging me, "hey, hey Ron. You grow up fast, eh?" I said and he replied "well, Y/N we didn't see each other in a long time so..." then Hermione nudged him and said "Ron, give her space. Y/N is good to see you, but what are you doing here?" she said as she hugged me, "well, Herm, Harry here sent me a letter that made me worried, so here I am." I replied then hugged Harry, "if you don't mind, I'll steal Harry for same time." I continued, they all nodded, I took Harry's arm and we went away. We went in the Astronomy Tower and sat on the edge to talk, while I was at Hogwarts Harry was like the brother that I've never had, "so, Harry. What are you worried about?" I asked "Y/N, I think someone is trying to kill Dumbledore, and I think it's Draco. He's a Death Eater" he said looking at the moon, "yeah, Hermione told me about your worries. Harry I have to tell you something." I said and when he looked in my eyes I continued rolling me right sleeve, "I'm a Death Eater too. But I'm a spy for Dumbledore... I became a Death Eater when Cedric died and I wanted to do something to change the things." "woah, I- I mean woah. So, you have the Dark Mark?" he asked "so I just told you that I'm a Death Eater and the only thing you ask me if I have the Dark Mark?! Yes, I have it." I replied, "ok... well, this was it." he said as he got up and went away, he left me there on the edge, crying. I remained there for 10 minutes then I heard the door opening and someone saying "I didn't know that someone was here." "well, Malfoy. This was our spot remember?" I replied as he sat next to me, "what's wrong, Stark? Potter broke your heart?" he asked in a playfully tone, "oh no, he just discovered that I'm a Death Eater so.." I replied drying my tears "ohhh, yeah. I heard about it from Mum, she say hi to you anyways." He said "well, say her hi from me too. Now if you excuse me I have to go back, or Peter will be worried." I replied "who is Peter?" he asked once we were on the stairs "he is my boyfriend." I replied as we were in front of Dumbledore's office door, "bye, Draco. Don't get in trouble until I come back ok?" "how can I you are the trouble. Bye, Y/N." he replied. I got into Dumbledore's office and apparated in front of the school since I was a little early. As I got in in the hall there was a TV with the 'Midtown News' on:

"This past weekend, Midtown's Academic Decathlon team defeated the country's best to win the national championship. Later that day, they also defeated death." said Jason

"As you know, we made it out alive, and that's the important thing. I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again." said Mr. Harrington in an interview

"Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, thanks to the Spider-Man." said Jason as the line returned to the studio

"Thank you, Spider-Man." Said Jason and Betty in unison

"Up next: The Spider-Man mania is sweeping the school. How can you show your spider spirit?" continued Betty then I saw Peter and Ned entering the hall so I went to them, "hey, Y/N. this morning I didn't heard you exiting." said Peter kissing me, "well, Peter. I had something to do in England so I got out early, you were sleeping." I replied taking his hand "wait, England? How is this even possible?" asked Ned, I looked at him and seeing his confused face, "I apparated there, and Peter I think that the things there are going even worse than the last three month." I explained then Ned said "Okay, come on, we'll be late to class." "We're not going to class." me and Peter said in unison "You're already in so much trouble for ditching the Decathlon." said Ned but Peter cut him off and replied "Dude, listen, we figured it out, right? The wing suit guy is stealing from Damage Control. And what he takes from Damage Control, that's how he builds the weapons. So all we gotta do is catch him." "But Peter we have a Spanish quiz." said Ned and I replied "Ned, we're probably never gonna come back here. My dad is moving the Avengers upstate, so we have to catch him before he tries to steal our things." and before Ned could reply Principal Morita came to us and said "Parker, Stark my office, NOW." in short words we got detention for skipping the Decathlon, so that afternoon in detention there was a video of Steve that said "So... You got detention. You screwed up." I rolled my eyes 'REALLY!? I literally live with this guy, and he doesn't speak like this' I decided to go away so I made a signal to Peter that got up and went away, I did the same and heard from Coach Wilson "Hey, where you going? Get back here." but we were already out of school "so, Pete... what's the plan?" I asked as we were out of the school's gate, "well, we're going home in a special way today." He said then put on his suit and picked me up and we swung across the city to the apartment as we arrived Peter asked "May?" to see if there was someone in the apartment, "Y/N, hear me out I found a track on the bad guys. Let's pay him a visit." he said I nodded then we went out, again.

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