chapter 33

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Peter's POV

As we apparated home, I saw that Mr. Stark was sitting on an armchair, and as him and Mrs. Stark got up and ran to us, Mr. Stark said "thank Merlin, you're ok. Molly, called us and said precise words 'The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. The Death Eaters came but we fought them.' We were worried as fuck!!" then Mrs. Stark came towards us, hugged us "Tony, the best thing is that they're ok. Now, Y/N, Peter go have a shower and then go to bed." she said looking at us, Y/N took my hand and apparated in the bathroom, we had a shower a long and hot, we changed into our pajamas and since we were tired, we went in the bed, now we were lying in the dark, hugging and when I looked to Y/N I noticed that she was crying, "Y/N, my love, tell me what's wrong? Does something hurt?" I asked her concerned, "I-I-I'm just worried, I think. What if the t-trio get hurt? Or worse what if they get killed?" she said wiping away tears, "hey... listen to me. They won't get hurt, I mean they have Hermione and they know how take care of each other. I'm sure they'll tell you everything." I replied looking at her as she lifted her head to look at me, "the best thing we can do is to go to sleep." I continued she nodded and then we both fell asleep.


As Harry stepped into the house a low, rusted voice, that I recognized as Mad Eye's said "Severus Snape?" and Harry mumbled "Mad-Eye...?" then a rush of cold air swept through the hallway and something shifted in the shadows at the end of it, rising from the carpet, tall, dust-coloured and terrible looking, then that something rushed toward them. It was Dumbledore, but a ghostly, worm-eaten Dumbledore, a corpse come to life, with empty eye sockets and sunken face. It raised its wand and then... exploded in a great cloud of dust, swirling like mist in the corridor, drifting back to the carpet. "What was that about?" Peter asked in a mix of curious and scared "Mad-eye's doing, I'd guess. In case Snape decided to come snooping." I replied then I slowly drew her wand and pointed it to the shadows, then I said "Homenum revelio." Nothing. I lowered my wand and Hermione explained "It's a spell to reveal human presence." and I continued "We're alone." then I went upstairs yelling "Kreacher?!" or "Kreacher where are you?!" and the small amount of dirty cloths came out of the darkness and said "Kreacher is here, Ms. Stark. Kreacher here." "hi, Kreacher. How are you?" "Kreacher good, Miss. How is Miss?" he asked "I'm good, Kreacher, thank you. Listen, Kreacher, I need to ask you a question." I said kneeling in front of him to look at him in the eyes "ask, Miss, ask. Kreacher happy to help." the creature said "well, have anyone else came here, before us?" "yes, Miss. Stark, Miss. A man at night, Miss." replied the creature, "okay, if he comes here another time, could you tell me please?" I said, the creature nodded and then he went away in the darkness. "tell me a thing, why he talk to you, in a decent even sweet way?" asked Harry seeming angry, "I've been kind with him, and always said 'thank you' or 'please'. He always gave me a report on what happened here or in the past." I replied getting up "and now please, go and find a couple of rooms that aren't totally dirty, while me and Hermione are going to cook dinner." I continued nodding to Hermione that took my hand and we apparated away. We apparated in front of a supermarket that was open 24/7, we went in and bought a lot of things, like potatoes, milk, bread and meat then went back with 5 bags full of food. "could you help us? These are really heavy." I said as we apparated in the house's hallway and looking at me, Ron and Harry "yes, of course." they said in unison, then took the things and went to the kitchen, we followed them and when they placed the bags, we said together "now, go. Set the table. The dinner will be ready in 20." then we kicked them out of the kitchen. We began to cook but unfortunately we didn't know most of the cooking spells, so at first we made a mess but then we got carried away and started making dinner, we cooked a fried chicken with baked potatoes, the thing that I think got more angry the boys was that we took 40 minutes to cook the dinner. But when we went out they set the small table and then waited for us, "sorry, boys we had a mess to take care of, but now we're here now." I said with a baking dish in my hands, "yeah, sorry." said Hermione right after, "what's for dinner?" asked Ron, "backed potatoes, and fried chicken." I said as I sat behind Peter, "and for drink, water and Coca-Cola." added Hermione that sat between Harry and Ron, "cool!" Harry and Ron said in unison. We ate the food and then went to sleep, "goodnight Y/N, I love ya." "goodnight Peter, I love ya too." then we fell asleep. The morning after, we had breakfast and as we finished Y/N said "sorry, to interrupt the party but me and Peter have to return at home." "alright, we'll have to move soon, I think." said Harry, "buuut, I want a report on where you go or on what you do. Ok?" I continued "but how?" asked Ron "with this-" I said taking out five golden coins "-these are communication coins, the only thing you have to do is point your wand on your copy and say what you want to say, and you have to stay tuned for the answer." I continued, "ok, we'll try." Harry, Ron and Hermione replied in unison, then Peter took my hand and we apparated home. As we apparated home, I saw that Mr. Stark was sitting on an armchair, and as him and Mrs. Stark got up and ran to us, Mr. Stark said "thank Merlin, you're ok. Molly, called us and said precise words 'The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. The Death Eaters came but we fought them.' We were worried as fuck!!" then Mrs. Stark came towards us, hugged us "Tony, the best thing is that they're ok. Now, Y/N, Peter go have a shower and then go to bed." she said looking at us, Y/N took my hand and apparated in the bathroom, we had a shower a long and hot, we changed into our pajamas and since we were tired, we went in the bed, now we were lying in the dark, hugging and when I looked to Y/N I noticed that she was crying, "Y/N, my love, tell me what's wrong? Does something hurt?" I asked her concerned, "I-I-I'm just worried, I think. What if the t-trio get hurt? Or worse what if they get killed?" she said wiping away tears, "hey... listen to me. They won't get hurt, I mean they have Hermione and they know how take care of each other. I'm sure they'll tell you everything." I replied looking at her as she lifted her head to look at me, "the best thing we can do is to go to sleep." I continued she nodded and then we both fell asleep.

***time skip to that afternoon***

We were awake from some hours, now. We had trained with Dad and Steve, and I was very tired and sweaty so I went to have a shower and when I was doing so, I felt my neck burning, when I went to touch it, I noticed that the thing that was burning wasn't my neck but the necklace with the gold coin that I was wearing, engraved on it there was a message that said 'we found something, come here. -Harry' I quickly finished to wash my hair and quickly got out of the shower, dried my hair with a swish of my wand and changed in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt then I pointed my wand to the coin to answer and said 'I'll be there in 20. -Y/N.' when I was sure that the message was sent, I ran out of the bathroom, turned the corner, did the corridor and went in the living room as I stopped, everyone present looked up from what they were doing and looked at me, then I said "I'm going back in England, the trio found something." Peter, Dad, Mum, Steve and Nat opened their mouth like they were about to say something but I continued "before you try to say something to stop me, I'll be back in less than an hour." so they nodded and my last words were "see you later, Mr. Loverman. I love you." "See you later, my witch. I love you." and then I apparated away.

A/N: sorry this is short but I have a writer block, so so sorry. I'm really trying to write as long as I can.


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