chapter 24

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Peter's POV

Y/N and Liz were talking for a while, when Liz went away I saw that Y/N was crying so I got to her and she started crying with her face on my chest. Once she calmed we went in the library where Mr. Harrington was giving the Decathlon trophy to a table of students, as he finished he said "I'm gonna have to put this back in the trophy case soon, but just for motivation right now at this practice. I'm a little ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain next year. So I'm appointing Michelle." I could see that she was embarrassed and she awkwardly said "Uh, thank you. My friends call me M.J." and Ned replied jokingly "I thought you didn't have any friends." and she said just as jokingly "I didn't." then Y/N said "MJ, congrats! Pete we...we gotta go." she took my hand for go away but MJ stopped us "Hey, where you going?" she asked, "What are you hiding, Stark?" she said and when Y/N tried to invent an excuse a grin appeared on her face and said "I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye." we went into the boy's bathroom, and as I opened the door Y/N said "c'mon Happy, I know you're here." he came out, "Hey, Happy. What, uh... What are you doing here?" I said "I really owe you one. I don't know what I would do without this job. I mean, before I met Tony-" started Happy but Y/N cut him off "Happy, get straight to the point." and he continued "Boss wants to see you." "Is he here too?" I asked looking around "In the toilet? No, he's upstate." replied Happy "at the Headquarters?" I asked, he nodded and Y/N said "Happy, my friend. Have you ever apparated?" "no...?" he replied, "well, you could throw up." she said then before any of us could reply something, she took his and Peter's arm and apparated in the entrance of the Headquarters. We apparated in the compound and as Y/N thought Happy threw up, "You don't see that every day." she said laughing then Mr. Stark came to us "Oh, there they are. How was the ride up?" he asked and Happy said as he finished throwing up "Good." "Give me a minute with the kids." Mr. Stark said "Seriously?" asked Happy and Y/N replied "No look, he jokes. Go take a walk, Happy." so Happy stuck his tongue out and went away "Sorry I took your suit, Pete. I mean, you had it coming. Actually, it turns out it was the perfect sort of tough-love moment that you needed, right? (then he turned to Y/N) And you, Y/N I think that this fight helped us to see your power at 360° Wouldn't you think? (turned to me) Don't you think?" he said, "yeah, I think so-" me and Y/N replied in unison, then looked at each other but he continued "You screwed the pooch hard. Big time. But then you did the right thing. Took the dog to the free clinic, you raised the hybrid puppies... All right, not my best analogy. (he beat our shoulders) I was wrong about you. I think, with a little more mentoring, you could be a real asset to the team (he said looking at me)." "To the... To the team?" I asked and Y/N made thumbs up from behind his shoulder, then Mr. Stark pushed some buttons on his watch and a secret compartment in the wall opened, revealing a brand new Spider-Man suit, and a new green vibranium suit for Y/N. "When you're ready... Why don't you try that on? And I'll introduce the world to the newest official member of the Avengers: Spider-Man. And the new name of my daughter: Emerald Witch." he said as me and Y/N started to look at the suits "So, after the press conference, Happy will show you to your room, your new quarters. (he turned to Y/N) Where's he between? He's next to Vision?" he continued "no, Dad he's between me and Natasha." replied Y/N "You'll fit in." she continued looking at me, I started thinking about what would be living at the Avengers Compound with Y/N, Mr. Stark and all the Avengers, but then I thought about May, and how I liked being a normal boy at least at home and in the life of every day, so I said to Mr. Stark "Thank you, Mr. Stark. But I'm good." "You're good? Good? How are you good?" he asked "Well, I mean, I'm... I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Somebody's got to look out for the little guy, right?" I replied, he took off his glasses and stared to me "You turning me down? You better think about this. (pointing at the new Spider-Man suit) Look at that. Look at me. Last chance, yes or no?" he asked "No." I replied "Thank you, Mr. Stark." I continued then Y/N said to me "Peter, wait in my room while I talk to my dad." I nodded and went in her room.

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