chapter 32

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We were in a bar waiting for our cappuccinos when Ron asked "So where do we go from here? The Leaky Cauldron?" and I replied "Too dangerous. If Voldemort's taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe." then the front door's bell rang and two men in suits entered, glanced idly at us and then stepped to the counter, "My rucksack. With all my things. I left it back at the Burrow-" said Harry lowering his voice "yeah, me too." made echo Peter but Hermione and me shook our head, Harry and Peter eyed the beaded purses. "You're joking." said Harry laughing "We've had the essentials packed for days. Just in case." I said "that doesn't explain how Peter knows about the spell." replied Ron very confused, Hermione gave him a withering glance and I explained, "I explained him some things about magic, Hogwarts and the Wizarding World, so..." I said but I was cut off by the two workmen turning. "DOWN!" I yelled and a tile exploded on the wall where Ron's head had been only seconds ago, a rope of green light singed Hermione's hair, I was protecting Peter with an arm and with all the spells that were necessary "Stupefy!" I heard Harry yelling then a jet of red light hit the biggest death eater straight in the face that crumpled instantly the other Death Eater yelled "Expulsio!" and the table behind me and Peter exploded and the spell ricocheted, shattering the security mirror and sending shards raining everywhere, including one that laced my cheek then striking the cappuccino machine, which sprayed hot liquid all over the Death Eater. He bellowed in pain and Hermione and Ron hit him with twin stunning spells as he spasmed on the ground, Hermione added another for good measure "Petrificus Totalus!" she yelled and he went still. In that moment the waitress stepped from the backroom, she saw us with the wands and suddenly her bubble-gum popped "Go. She doesn't argue." I said looking at Harry that nodded and said "Lock the door, get the lights." then Peter throwed the bolt, Ron clicked the Deluminator, pitching the cafe into shadow and I eyed the unconscious Death Eater. "This one's name is Rowle. He was on the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore." I said "This is Dolohov. I recognize him from the wanted posters." added Ron that rolled him over with his foot Dolohov's eyes shift in fear from Harry to Hermione and then from Hermione to me, then back to Ron, "So what do we do with you, huh? Kill us if it was turned round, wouldn't you?" he said, his face was hard; me, Peter, Harry and Hermione exchanged a look and then eyed him uneasily when he noticed he said, "Suppose it's him that did Mad-Eye. How would you feel then?" replied Ron. We all looked at Dolohov, the moment hanged, and then "It's better we wipe their memories. We kill them, they'll know we were here." I stated and Ron continued "You're the boss. (turning to Hermione) Hermione? (turning to Harry) Harry? (turning to Peter) Peter?" they all turned as they heard their name and all nodded. Peter came to me and reached out, then wiped a trickle of blood from my cheek then Ron went by a side and looking at me he said "You're the best with spells." I nodded, pointed my wand at Dolohov and whispered "Obliviate." then a green flash and as I did the spell on all of them, we moved quickly, glancing about, paranoid "How is it they knew we were there?" asked Harry as we were out of the bar "Maybe you still have the Trace on you." replied Hermione "Can't be. The Trace breaks at seventeen. It's Wizarding law." I said taking Peter's hand and intertwining our fingers, suddenly Hermione stopped, we did the same then turned and looked back "What?" asked Harry looking at her "We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry. Ginny and I... we'd prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding..." she replied looking at him "Hermione. I appreciate the thought... honestly. But given that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago..." Harry said starting to walk again "Right. Perspective." Hermione said starting to walk with Harry and the rest of us with them "We've got to get off the streets, get somewhere safe." said Peter after some minutes "I have an idea." replied Harry then he whispered something to Hermione's ear that said "Take my arm, we'll go in a special place." we all took her arm and we apparated at the number 12 of Grimmauld Place, Harry tapped his wand on the weathered surface and we heard a series of metallic clicks, then the door swung open with a creak. A couple of gas lamps sprung again into life, illuminating a narrow cobwebbed hallway, then Harry took a step forward.

Peter's POV

As Harry stepped into the house a voice said "Severus Snape?" and Harry mumbled "Mad-Eye...?" and then a great rush of cold air swept through the hallway and something shifted in the shadows at the end of the hall, rising from the carpet, tall, dust-coloured and terrible looking, then that something rushed toward them. It was Dumbledore, but a ghostly, worm-eaten Dumbledore, a corpse come to life, with empty eye sockets and sunken face. It raised its wand and then... exploded in a great cloud of dust, swirling like mist in the corridor, drifting back to the carpet. "What was that about?" I asked in a mix of curious and scared "Mad-eye's doing, I'd guess. In case Snape decided to come snooping." replied Y/N then she slowly drew her wand and pointed it to the shadows, then said "Homenum revelio." Nothing. She lowered her wand and Hermione explained "It's a spell to reveal human presence." and Y/N continued "We're alone." then she went upstairs yelling "Kreacher?!" or "Kreacher where are you?!" and a small amount of dirty cloths came out of the darkness and said "Kreacher is here, Ms. Stark. Kreacher here." "hi, Kreacher. How are you?" "Kreacher good, Miss. How is Miss?" he asked "I'm good, Kreacher, thank you. Listen, Kreacher, I need to ask you a question." Y/N said kneeling in front of him to look to him in the eyes "ask, Miss, ask. Kreacher happy to help." the creature said "well, have anyone else came here, before us?" "yes, Miss. Stark, Miss. A man at night, Miss." replied the creature, "okay, if he comes here another time, could you tell me please?" Y/N said, the creature nodded and then he went away in the darkness. "tell me a thing, why he talk to you, in a decent even sweet way?" asked Harry seeming angry, "I've been kind with him, and always said 'thank you' or 'please'. He always gave me a report on what happened here or in the past." replied Y/N getting up "and now please, go and find a couple of rooms that aren't totally dirty, while me and Hermione are going to cook dinner." she continued nodding to Hermione that took her hand and they apparated away. Me, Harry and Ron went to explore the house and we found only 2 bedrooms that were clean and free, "alright me, Hermione and Harry will be taking this one, but you and Y/N, instead will be taking the other one." said Harry and when we went back down, we heard a 'crack' and Y/N and Hermione were back with 5 bags full of food. "could you help us? These are really heavy." said Y/N looking at me, Ron and Harry "yes, of course." we said in unison, then took the things and went to the kitchen, the girls followed us and when we placed the bags they said together "now, go. Set the table. The dinner will be ready in 20." then they kicked us out of the kitchen. We did what they said to us: we set the small table with the things that we found in the dining room, and then we waited, we waited the 20 minutes the girls said but nothing, the dinner came, but with a delay of 40 minutes, "sorry, boys we had a mess to take care of, but now we're here now." Y/N said with a baking dish in her hands, "yeah, sorry." said Hermione right after, "what's for dinner?" asked Ron, like he was reading in my mind "backed potatoes, and fried chicken." said Y/N as she sat behind me, "and for drink, water and Coca-Cola." added Hermione that sat between Harry and Ron, "cool!" Harry and Ron said in unison. We ate the food and then went to sleep, "goodnight Y/N, I love ya." "goodnight Peter, I love ya too." then we fell asleep. The morning after, we had breakfast and as we finished Y/N said "sorry, to interrupt the party but me and Peter have to return at home." "alright, we'll have to move soon, I think." said Harry, "buuut, I want a report on where you go or on what you do. Ok?" Y/N continued "but how?" asked Ron "with this-" said Y/N taking out five golden coins "-these are communication coins, the only thing you have to do is point your wand on your copy and say what you want to say, and you have to stay tuned for the answer." she continued, "ok, we'll try." Harry, Ron and Hermione replied in unison, then I took Y/N's hand and we apparated home.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter but for the next one I'll try to do it more longer,



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