chapter 5

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After leaving New York we apparated in a clearing in Canada, where I went with mom in camping; it was wonderful, just us and the nature... and can we talk about Peter? Peter was a perfect gentleman, every morning he prepared the breakfast for both of us then before I wake up, he lighted up the fireplace. After all of this, he woke me up with a kiss on the forehead then I dressed up and once we finished the breakfast, we packed up and I undid the protection spells; we stayed there for 5 days. After Canada we went in Scotland in the northernmost point, it was cold but after some spells it became a little hotter, but not so much more... once we stayed 1 week in Scotland, we went to the Weasleys, I did not know where else to go. The day we arrived there was a little layer of snow, Molly always made snow a little at Christmas, Molly greeted us and invited us in; inside there was a crackling fire and around it the whole Weasley family plus Harry and Hermione in their Christmas jumper. "hey, how are you doing, here?" I asked in a joking tone, "heyyyyy!!!!" said the girls together coming towards us and hugging me tightly and shook Peter's hand, the boys came more slowly but with the same affect, 'gosh how I missed this!' "so, Y/N and Peter, what are you doing here?" Bill asked, "oh, we are on holiday, you know, here and there... we went in Canada for 5 days-" I said "-then in Scotland for 1 week and then here." finished Peter; the Weasleys looked at us and we smiled at each other. "guys, leave them alone, dear are you going to stay?" asked Molly "uhm, yeah but only for a few days, Molly thank you-" I said "-and don't worry we have our own place to stay." said Peter, showing them the tent; "ok, guys we are going to set all up ok?" I said in awkward, "yeah we'll call you for dinner." said Mr. Weasley. Once out Peter began to set up the tent, and I began to set the spells: Muffliato the spell that make a wall that take the noise inside, Protego that is a spell that helps to protect yourself or a place; then we went inside and Peter asked, "tell me, why are we here?" "why? Because it's Christmas and I wanted to pass it with my family-" I told him, but he cut me off "wasn't I enough for you?" he asked a little angrily; "what? yeah of course, but I wanted to come in a place that I can call home..." I said while coming towards him, but he backed away "alright, but after this week we are going to go back in New York, ok?" he told me serious "yeah, we have to, I have to    talk to my dad anyways." Then we hugged, but Molly came to call us for dinner. During the dinner we talked about school, life and unfortunately family, "so Y/N how is your family?" asked George "oh, uhm, well..." I began uncomfortable, but then Peter took my hand, so I continued "well, for now I don't talk to them, because we had a fight." "I'm sorry, dear we didn't know." said Mrs. Weasley, "don't worry," I said while looking at my watch, "look it's late we have to go to bed, tomorrow is Christmas, see you tomorrow guys, good night." Then I took Peter's hand and went to the door while he muttered "good night." Once we entered the tend I began to get ready for go to bed and I said to Peter "thanks, for in there, I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't there with me, so thanks." He became all red and muttered something like 'don't worry, Y/N' then I went to bed.

Peter's POV

These weeks with Y/N were beautiful and then we came by the Weasley, and I don't know, I- uhm became jealous. Maybe I liked Y/N? nah I didn't like Y/N, or yes, instead? But I thought I like her, because when she thanked me in the tend after the awkward dinner, I became all red, and I couldn't say nothing understandable. After that I got ready to go to sleep, I said 'goodnight' to Y/N and went to bed; the morning after I was waking up by a super happy Y/N that came in my 'room' with a box in her hands humming 'jingle bells' "hey, good morning, what's in the box?" I asked, "it's your gift, silly!!" she replied sitting on the bed near me, "come on, open it." She told me, "alright" I said while opening the box, in it there was a picture of us that night at the party, it was beautiful. Once I thanked her with a smile on my face, I knelt to take the box that contained her present, then I handed it to her that opened it, "OMG, Peter it's beautiful!!" then she hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe, we got ready and went inside the Weasleys house. I didn't get any gift for them, because I didn't know that we would go to them for Christmas, but Mrs. Weasley got me a red and blue jumper with a gold P on it; I watched everyone and saw that all of them got one, either Y/N that had gotten a dark green jumper with a gold (your initial). We had breakfast and Y/N asked Harry, Hermione and Ron how their 6th year at Hogwarts was and if they had some news on Voldemort; they said that their 6th year was wonderful and that Ron and Hermione were prefect, but on the Voldemort's subject they didn't knew anything. The rest of the day passed with joy, laugh and food that Mrs. Weasley cooked; I was really happy and so was Y/N but then George took her under the mistletoe and kissed her, I was shocked and angry, but then Y/N gave him a slap and yelled "how dare you?! After all these years of friendship and YOU let it all vanish?! Peter take your things we are leaving; oh and thank you Mrs. and Mr. Weasley for all of this." She took my hand, and we went to the tend, packed our things; and then apparated in New York. Once we touched the street in front of my building, we went upstairs and went to bed, this time while hugging. The next morning came and someone was knocking insistently at the front door, I got up and opened the door; they were Wanda and Nat, "where's Y/N?" said Nat "c'mon Peter, where is she?!" continued Wanda "she, uhm, she is in my room; but please don't wake her, we returned late and she fell asleep like at 5 so, let her sleep, PLEASE." I said begging them, "alright, Peter don't worry" said then Nat, "we'll come later, so go back to sleep." said Wanda; "ok. see you later." i said and when i closed the door i went back to sleep. after a while i was woke up by a beautiful smell of pancakes, i got up and saw Y/N in the kitchen cooking, "morning, sleepyhead, we have guests." she said pointing to Nat and Wanda, "hey, Peter nice to see you!" they said winking at me "yeah, nice to see you too" i said in awkwardness "so, Y/N was telling us about your trip." said Nat, "yeah and I told them about the Weasleys trip..." Y/N told me, at that point Nat said "alright, it was wonderful to see you, and know that you are ok, see you later." "yeah bye, guys." said Wanda; "bye." I and Y/N said in unison.

A/N: I'M SO SO SO SORRY that this is so short but i promise the tomorrow's chapter will be more longer.

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