chapter 31

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Peter's POV

As Y/N came back from the talk with the Minister she told me what happened, "so he came to tell me, Harry, Ron and Hermione that Dumbledore left something to each of us." she said while doing my tie knot "and what did he leave you?" I asked her "well, do you remember the book I told you about? The one where I read about the Emerald Witch legend? He left me the first copy of it. Before opening it I will try some spells to see if there's something hidden." she replied then took the book from the dresser and put it in her bag, "ready, my love?" I asked her handing her my hand "when I'm with you always, darling." she said taking it. We went down the stairs where Mrs. Weasley and Hermione were doing the last details, then we went outside where the ceremony would take place. The wedding party was very chaotic but beautiful, the bride's dress was white with a pair of phoenixes that faced each other that were black, and the bride's maids' dresses were like Fleur's dress but short, I now was dancing with Y/N it was a slow song like the one that we danced the night of our meeting. As the song finished we went on a side, "we danced all night could we stop?" she asked me while sitting on a chair and taking off her heels, "of course, love. Let me just go take you some punch, ok?" I said the noticed that Harry, in dress robes, was standing near us looking at the void. But not exactly at the void, I followed his gaze and he was looking at Ginny that was laughing as Fred and George rushed into the dance floor, then he looked at Hermione, stunning in black silk, to Ron, who ignores all, his eyes focused entirely on Hermione. I turned to the right and saw Tonks, hand to her belly, that leaned forward and whispered something to Mrs. Weasley, who reacted with happy surprise, I and Harry studied Tonks' belly together... but as Lupin got close I looked away and I heard him talking to Harry and Y/N "We want you to be the godfather. And you to be the godmother." Harry and Y/N turned to look at him, very surprised and Harry sputtered "You mean... But that's brilliant-" "I...don't know what to say." continued Y/N sputtering too "Please, say yes." begged Lupin grinning then went away. I went to take some drinks as a platinum hair girl and a tall man with the same hair colour on her side, came in the wedding marquee. When I went back to them Y/N presented me, "Luna, Mr. Lovegood, this is my boyfriend Peter. Peter, these are my dear friend Luna and her father Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood, he owns The Quibbler." she said, "hello, Peter! It's nice to finally meet Y/N's famous boyfriend!" said Luna extending her hand that I shook gently, I noticed that both of them were wearing an egg yolk colour robes, "hi, Luna, how are you? I mean I've noticed that your finger is bleeding." I asked concerned "Very well. I was bitten by a garden gnome only moments ago." Luna replied holing up her finger, "Gnome saliva is enormously beneficial! Xenophilius Lovegood. We live just over the hill!" said her father extending her hand, too "Nice to meet you, sir." I replied shaking his hand, then he turned to Harry, shook his hand and leaned closer to whisper something to him in the ear that I couldn't understand "Come, Daddy. They don't want to talk to us right now. They're just too nice to say so." said Luna taking her fathers arm and taking him away. Me, Harry and Y/N had lost our sits when we talked to the Lovegoods but fortunately only moments later we saw that there were 3 empty seats near an old man, so Harry asked "Sir? May we sit down?" "Mr. Potter! Ms. Stark! By all means!" said the old man "I found what you wrote in the Daily Prophet very moving, sir. I take it you knew Professor Dumbledore well?" asked Y/N curious "I certainly knew him the longest, if you don't count his brother Aberforth, and somehow, people never do seem to count Aberforth." replied the old man "I never even knew he had a brother, sir." said Harry a little confused "Yes, well, Dumbledore was always very private. Even as a boy." said the old man "Sir, I was wondering if you'd had much contact with him before he died." asked Y/N sad, I took her hand as the old man continued "The occasional owl. Though it was strange..." "Strange, sir?" Harry asked "It was the owls themselves. They often arrived in distress. It was clear they'd travelled great distances in some cases." replied the old man "Could you tell me from where they'd come, sir?" asked Harry "I'm afraid not. Albus' messages mostly referenced our days together as schoolboys. They were surprisingly intimate. When he did speak of his current activities his words would turn elliptical. Still, I sensed he was under great stress. Why do you ask?" the old man replied "Just curious. We were... close to Professor Dumbledore." said Y/N "Well, he treasured you, Ms. Stark and Mr. Potter, I can attest to that. I can also tell you that when a person passes, it's only natural to rue the things left unsaid, to regret the question never asked. I knew Albus nigh on 100 years, but in many ways he will always remain a riddle even to me." "Don't despair, Elphias. I'm told he's been thoroughly unriddled by Rita Skeeter. In 800 pages no less." said a woman from behind us, we turned and saw that the woman that talked was sitting at an adjacent table, a glass of champagne cradled in the bony fingers of one hand. "That woman is a vulture, Muriel, and you well know it." said the man whose name we discovered was Elphias "Someone has to pick the bones to get at the truth. I read your obituary, Elphias. Lovely. But you did skate over some of the sticky patches in Dumbledore's life." said the woman "she is Muriel, Ron's aunt." Y/N whispered to me indicating the woman "okay." I said just before Elphias said "I'm sorry you think so, Muriel. I assure you I was writing from the heart." "Yes, well, Rita Skeeter hasn't made that mistake, I'm sure. Word has it someone talked to her, someone who knew the Dumbledore family well. You and I both know who that is, Elphias." replied Muriel "A monstrous betrayal. I can only conclude the rumours are true and that she has become untethered." said Elphias "Who are you talking about?" Y/N asked "Well, I don't suppose it'll be a secret once the book comes out. (relishing the moment) Bathilda Bagshot." said Muriel "Who?" I asked, saying the first words since the conversation began "Who? Bathilda Bagshot! My god, boy, she's only the most celebrated magical historian of the last century. Don't they read History of Magic at Hogwarts anymore?" replied Muriel "Oh, right. Slipped my mind..." I said a little embarrassed "She knew the Dumbledores as well as anyone. She'd have letters, perhaps an interesting photograph or two. I'm sure Rita Skeeter would have thought it well worth a trip to Godric's Hollow to take a peek into that old bird's rattled cage." continued Muriel "Godric's Hollow? Bathilda Bagshot lives in Godric's Hollow?" asked Y/N "For years now. That's where she first met Dumbledore." said Muriel "Excuse me? You don't mean to say Dumbledore lived there too?" asked Harry "Of course. The family moved there after his father killed those three Muggles. It was quite the scandal. (eyeing him) Honestly, my boy, are you sure you knew him at all?" said Muriel, we sat there, me, Harry and Y/N speechless when my eyes caught a shooting star or I thought so.


We were sitting speechless, when Peter shook my arm to attire my attention, I saw a silver ball, all of the people went silent, and the ball take the form of a lynx. Suddenly a voice came out, I didn't recognized it for a while, but then I did it was Kingsley's!!!! the Patronus said "The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming..." and then the lynx vanished and chaos. I scanned the room, I saw Harry, Hermione, Ron and Peter on a side but before I could go to them a Death Eater apparated in front of me and tried to do a spell but I took him out of my way with a 'Stupefy' then ran to them "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" yelled Hermione "let's go!" I said then took Hermione's arm like the others and we apparated away. As we apparated Ron asked "Where are we?" "Shaftesbury Avenue. I used to come here to the theatre with my mum and dad. Just popped into my head. I don't know why..." Hermione replied "we need to change." I said, Hermione nodded but the boys looked at each other confused, then me and Hermione took out of our bags, four pairs of jeans, four t-shirts, and four pairs of sneakers "How the ruddy-?" started Ron "Undetectable Extension Charm." replied Peter "You're amazing, you are." continued Ron looking at me and to Hermione "Always the tone of surprise." we said in unison, then we changed and went into a bar "Do you reckon everyone's alright at the wedding? Maybe we should-" asked Harry but Ron cut him off saying "They were after you, mate. We'd just put everyone in danger going back." "Ron's right. Cappuccino, please." I said to the waitress and quickly all the others said "What she said." or "Same."

A/N: after dangerous love i would like to write two other fanfiction, one about Draco Malfoy and the other one about Loki Laufeyson.



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