chapter 26

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Peter's POV

A few minutes later, all the students were sitting at the tables, I was sitting with the Gryffindors between Ron and his sister Ginny, while Y/N went in front of the lectern, did a spell on her throat and began to speak "good evening, everyone. If you don't know me, I'm Y/N Stark and I will talk about some things that happened lately. First thing, I am really sad to tell you that Headmaster Dumbledore was killed this afternoon by Professor Snape. And second thing, I'm the Emerald Witch from the legends. If you have questions please don't be afraid to ask." and then a 100 hands went up and she indicated to one of them, "is Professor Snape a Death Eater?" "yeah, he is. And you may ask how I know this. Well I'm a Death Eater myself I became 2 years ago, and being a spy for Professor Dumbledore." Y/N answered then indicated to another one "is You-know-who going to attack us?" "well, no. I don't think so, you know this evening me and George Weasley fought with some Death Eater and they saw that I was the Emerald Witch. If they tell to Him what they saw, I think he'll think twice before attacking us." she replied and then pointed to the last question for the evening "how do we know that you're the Emerald Witch?" "you want a demonstration? You'll get it. Let's move in the Quidditch Field." she said, coming towards the entrance "Y/N, are you sure that you want to do this?" I asked as she passed next to Gryffindor's table, she got out of the Great Hall, going forward a field that I figured was the Quidditch Field, "excuse me, George but can I ask you what exactly is Quidditch?" I asked as me, the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione were making our way along with the others students and professors, "the Quidditch is a sport in the wizarding world-" began to say George, "-that is played on . Let's see, uhm it's the equivalent to .-" continued Fred that was now on the other side next to me "-The object of the game is to score more points than your opponents. Each goal was worth ten points and catching the is worth one-hundred and fifty points. The game end when the Snitch is caught or an agreement was reached between the captains of both teams. Some games could go on for many days if the Snitch isn't caught." finished George, "any other questions Parker?" asked Harry, "well, yeah. Why was Y/N so close to Dumbledore?" I asked "she was so close to him because he helped her when nobody including your adored Mr. Stark was. And especially in the moment of Cedric's death, he arranged with the ministry to let her finish her studies before and go home." answered Hermione looking at me. Once we arrived and all the students were settled, Y/N levitated in the center of the Field, and she created the now familiar green light ball, all the people were excited but I knew that something was wrong because it wasn't the normal dark green but it was a light green like a... a lime green, and when she closed her eyes and opened them again the ball started vanishing and she fainted. Fortunately one of the professor yelled 'Arresto Momentum' and Y/N didn't fall suddenly, I ran immediately to her along with Harry and George right behind me, as we arrived George said "sh*t, we gotta take her to the Madam Pomfrey." then I took Y/N up and he guided me there, as we entered a woman came to us and said to me "let her lay on this bed, dear." and indicated a bed, as I placed Y/N on it, the woman started to do something with her wand. She made me, George, Fred, Harry and Draco wait outside, we were waiting from 30 minutes "so... Harry what is your relation with Y/N exactly?" I asked "she's been the sister that I never had, and the first friend I made when I sat on the Hogwarts express, that for your information is the train that take us here every year from London." said Harry, I was very nervous, I mean why the nurse made us wait so long? I really thought for a second that she couldn't do it when Madam Pomfrey, the nurse came out for telling us that Y/N was awake, I rushed in and found her sat on the bed looking at me "Y/N, for Merlin's sake you are ok." I said, she came over and whispered in my ear "we need to go, I had a vision." then she got up, took her wand and as Draco came to stop her she said "sorry, Dray. We have to go. Remember don't get in trouble until I come back ok?" "how can I, you are the trouble." he replied, after that she took my hand and we apparated in the Headquarters' living room.


As soon as I fainted I had a vision, it wasn't very clear and it was talking about both the worlds but it was this:

I saw a big purple alien with a gold glove and six stones in it, the alien was snapping his fingers and then white.

Then I saw Voldemort and Harry fighting with Hogwarts destroyed and all around them a crowd, between Harry and Voldemort there was a line of energy that was for half green and half red.

I don't really know what this vision said exactly but I knew that I had to go back home and talk to the Avengers, as I woke up I had a huge headache and saw Peter coming to me and saying "Y/N, for Merlin's sake you are ok." I leaned down and whispered in his ear "we need to go, I had a vision." then I got up, took my wand from the nightstand and as Draco came to stop me from going away I said "sorry, Dray. We have to go. Remember don't get in trouble until I come back ok?" "how can I, you are the trouble." he replied, after that I took Peter's hand and we apparated in the Headquarters' living room. As we apparated I noticed that was night but there was a light still on, "my dear daughter, what happened that you had to disappear without saying a word?" asked Dad "well, Dad, today my headmaster died and he was the only person on earth that Voldemort feared. I also discovered that I am the Emerald Witch from the legend, the minister of magic himself asked me to reassure the Hogwarts' students and professors. It's been a rough afternoon, though." I replied, he was shocked and immediately changed face expression "I'm sorry sweetie, go to bed now, we'll talk tomorrow morning." he said "well, we really need to talk tomorrow morning, with all the family." I replied then we said goodnight and went to bed. The next morning, we woke up and as me and Peter arrived in the kitchen we found everyone, except Bucky that was in Wakanda, looking at us "hi everyone..." I said taking a cup of coffee "hi Y/N, Tony told us that you needed to talk to us about something." said Steve "well, yeah actually. Yesterday I went to Hogwarts and discovered two things: that Professor Dumbledore was killed by Professor Snape and that I'm the Emerald Witch of the legends." I said as we all sat in the living room "wow... I mean we already know that you are more powerful that what we thought, but learning that you are the Witch from a legend it's wow!" replied Nat "and... there's another thing. I had another vision, I saw two things: one of that was about a big purple alien with a glove and in the glove there were 6 glowing stones on it. And the second one was about Harry and Voldemort fighting with Hogwarts destroyed and a crowd all around them. I didn't understand them very well, actually. I thought that maybe you could help me." I continued, they looked at me confused but in the next days we tried to figure out what could mean the visions.

A/N: I'm really sorry that this chapter is very short but I had some tests this week so maybe I will skip the publication on Thursday. Really sorry again, next week I'll be on schedule.

Sorry but with love,


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