chapter 14

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Peter's POV

we finished P.E. and it was lunch time, Y/N was helping Liz with the homecoming banner, Liz wasn't succeeding so Y/N took out her wand and with a swing the banner was in its place, "Peter, did she really do what I think she did?" asked Ned that was sitting behind me, "yes, she did." I replied, then after we looked at Y/N for some time I added "We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy, though." "Too late." replied a voice from the other side of the table we turned to see that the voice was MJ's "You guys are losers." She said and Ned replied "But then why do you sit with us?" then she said "Because I don't have any friends." After that she returned to her book. After lunch me and Y/N had the Academic Decathlon nationals trial, so we went into the auditorium where Liz was already asking questions to Ned and to the others "Let's move to the next question. What is the heaviest naturally-occurring element?" asked Liz and a guy answered "Hydrogen's the lightest. That's not the question. Okay. Yeah." so Abe answered "Uranium." I got through them to Mr. Harrington asking him if I couldn't go to the nationals "Peter, it's nationals. Is there no way you could take one weekend off?" he asked and I answered "I can't go to Washington because if Mr. Stark needs me, then I have to make sure that I'm here." Then Flash obviously said "You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark." "Well, in fact he has been, since he is my boyfriend... so please take your jealousy only for you, thanks." said Y/N, her eyes becoming green and she was touching the grip of her wand that was in her sleeve, I came up to her, took her hand intertwining our fingers and she calmed then a girl asked "Wait, what's happening?" and Sally replied Peter and Y/N are not going to Washington." then Liz said "Really? Right before nationals?" and MJ added "He already quit marching band and robotics lab." everyone looked at MJ and she said "I'm not obsessed with him. Just very observant." After 5 seconds Liz said "Flash, you're in for Peter." and he joked "Ooh, I don't know. I got to check my calendar first. I got a hot date with Black Widow coming up."


"so, Shuri are you going to stay long here?" asked Dad as the pizza arrived, "yeah, I'll stay for a week or two, if I can." Shuri replied, "of course, you can, I'll prepare you a guest room behind mine." I said getting up and taking out my wand, "I'm coming with you, I need to talk to you." Peter said getting up himself, we went in the corridor that led to the bedrooms "Y/N I've something important to tell you, but your dad doesn't want me to." he said with a serious tone looking at me, "well, now I'm curious so go ahead." I replied and after his explaining I said "well, we can investigate for ourselves, and he wouldn't find out, ok?" "ok." he said, kissing my forehead. We went back and Shuri said "now, if you will excuse me I will go to bed, it's been a long day." "yeah me too." I said "alright then, I'm going home, see you tomorrow at school, Y/N." Peter said and after kissing me, he left and went home. The next morning it was Monday so I got up early, got dressed, apparated in front of Peter's apartment door and rang at the door, he came to open, "hi, Y/N what happened we were supposed to meet at school... is everything okay?" he asked as he made me in, "yeah... I-I-I just thought that maybe we could go to school together. If you want to." I said and Peter replied "of course I want to, I have just to wear my shoes and we can go." We went to school by subway and with hand in hand, as we entered the gate we bumped into Flash in his car that began to say "hey! Oh it's you Pen-" but when he saw me he said "i-i-it's you Parker, did I hurt you?" "no?" Peter replied confused, once Flash got away he asked me "what did you do to him?" "who Flash? He only learnt that if he mess with you, he mess with me and it's better if he doesn't mess with me." I replied calmly, he laughed. The morning was good, at P.E. me, Ned, MJ and Peter had the lesson together, I sat with Liz and the group, we were talking about our crushes, "Now, see, for me, it would be F Thor, marry Iron Man, and kill Hulk." said a girl, "ew, one is my uncle, one is my dad and one is a friend." I said making a disgusted face "Well, what about the Spider-Man?" said another girl "It's just Spider-Man." another girl said, then Liz said "Did you guys see the bank security cam on YouTube? He fought off four guys."

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